Envato Authors
Graphics Authors All the best graphic assets from our community of designers. This is the official category for Envato’s Graphics authors, selling on Envato Elements and GraphicRiver. Connect with your fellow authors and discuss your work, items and ideas! AudioJungle Your community of musicians and sound engineers. This is the official category for all things AudioJungle. Connect with your fellow authors and discuss your work, items and ideas! Elements Authors Welcome Envato Elements Authors! Use this forum area to discuss all things Elements. CodeCanyon Your home for all things code related. This is the official category for authors of CodeCanyon. Connect with your fellow authors and discuss your work, items and ideas! Theme Authors This is the official category for the creators of themes and site templates sold on ThemeForest and Envato Elements, from WordPress to Muse and everything in between. Connect and collaborate with your fellow authors here! Photo Authors This is the official category for our Photo Author community - selling royalty-free stock images on Envato Elements and PhotoDune. Connect with your fellow authors and discuss your work, items and ideas! Video Authors For video professionals from all over the world. This is the official category for Envato’s video author community - selling stock footage, motion graphics and video templates on Envato Elements and VideoHive. Connect with your fellow authors and discuss your work, items and ideas! Author Hangout Off-topic meets All Marketplaces. This is the community watercooler/lounge/hangout zone!