For those who haven’t read the main announcement, Envato will implement changes on how authors receive the payments, Changes To How Authors Receive Earnings Payouts From Envato and they will greatly affect all teams and partnerships,
Having in mind that a big part of the marketplace consists on partnerships and teams, the payment changes will affect all of them and will make people incur in new transactions fees, having to find new ways to split earnings (because regarding transactions it’s not the same for every country of the world) and provoke lots of headaches, we thought of a way that Envato could help make this change a little less painful and that is implementing a long overdue partnership tool.
Just as they implemented the Author Team tools to help teams and partnerships with the support aspect, we are asking the Envato team to make something similar but for partnerships and teams.
It would basically work like this:
On the settings page, just like the Author Team page, you’ll find the “Author Partners” tab. As an author, you can add other Envato Marketplace users to your partners list. Once you add an author to your team you’ll be able to split a percentage of the profits (after fees and taxes), with your partner. To do this, you’ll need to chose the author, item from which you want to split the earnings and the percentage that the author will receive. and then click the “Add Partner” button. Having in mind that Envato wants all authors to have all tax info neat and updated, the author that receives the split will need to have completed all tax and personal information.
The system would work really similar to the current referral system, where an author receives a split of the amount other user spent or charged, but in this case it would be a split between authors. Here’s a mockup we made of the page and how the earnings will be shown in the statement page.
To answer some concerns that were raised in the announcement, this won’t be a system to freely transfer earnings to other accounts, this would just be a tool to help authors split the earnings. This way, the partners will receive their split on their accounts and be able to withdraw it to their personal and verified account without having to incur in new fees or pay for other transaction methods.
We’d love to hear from all of you about what you think of this, specially from the authors that are currently in teams and/or partnerships!
@jamesgiroux @scottwills @collis
We’d also like to hear the opinion of the team and if anyone from the team or forum moderator could pin this so it doesn’t get lost would be really helpful!