New Topic Is New Topic


This is a topic addressed to administration of AudioJungle.

As you know, so-called double titles (Epic Trailer Is Epic Trailer, Hip-Hop For Hip-Hop, etc.) are now a common thing on the market. Authors do it (including myself) because a double-title boosts visibility and gives your item first priority in search.

Apparently this is a bug, and I’m wondering why it hasn’t been fixed yet. This trend is damaging Envato’s reputation, since the buyers are now bombarded with this “Happy Music Is Happy Music” stuff and it doesn’t look too stylish or likable, to be honest (it looks silly to me).

We authors have no choice but to follow this trend since we want visibility for our items, but uploading without double-naming just doesn’t do the trick anymore.

I’m asking you to fix this bug. There’s no point to it now, since everybody’s double-naming items and, as a result, no one’s getting that priority in search anyway.


I do not understand - if you are part of this silly track naming nonsense why are you complaining about it?


I need visibility, just like everybody else. Naming tracks without doubling doesn’t work anymore.

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I understand the visibility bit but methods that could be construed as gaming the system is not a fair way of doing things in my opiniton.


I also noticed that these double names have 1 position higher in the search (regardless of the number of sales). I would also like them to fix this error as soon as possible. Otherwise, the number of sales does not make sense, you can simply rename the track to get to the first positions of the search. Absolutely strange and stupid.


If it does not work why do you do it?

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It doesn’t work because everybody’s doing it (gaming the system). But it would work if only one person did it, it’s a bug.

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I totally agree with you.
I posted my thoughts earlier here:


I’ve always wondered does it really work? I mean - doesn’t a customer think that a composer is just plain desperate?


This is just about the dumbest trend I’ve ever seen, and that’s saying something here on Audiojungle. I personally will never engage in anything like this, and God knows I could use the visibility. Music is nothing without integrity. I really hope Envato deals with this, but I’m worried it will be added to the already long list of things they don’t care about enough to fix.


I’m not a SEO specialist but I’ve heard Google search engine doesn’t like copy/paste, cloning, repetition or whatever you call it. I mean, «Hip-Hop Is Hip-hop» is actually hurting the position of AJ in search results. By the way, I don’t think anybody in Envato headquarters cares about AJ’s search results position, or about AJ at all.


Ah, I wish I had a time maschine and could travel back to 2008, and exploit this little quirk of the search engine. I could have been an Ultra Elite Author by now. :rofl:


Unfortunately it’s an absurd that it still hasn’t been fixed.

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@Theo_Sound Yes, clickbait, repetitions in the title are not allowed in Google Ads. If somebody do this his ad will be disapproved by Google.

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Who realy need that Google search? People find our tracks in aj search, not in Google.


just to tell that another RF library just announced that they will reject any submission… using keywords!! Because customers are indeed fed up with this stupid titles :slight_smile:


Maybe we’ll see some changes soon: