December was bad month despite the Elements. in December i had like 30-40% of my portfolio with small amount of top sellers. Then I added much more to elements and Jan is better then December, Feb is better. March is Almost same as November (November was successful due to marketing campaign) but in march I got like 80-85% of portfolio on elements. And Overall I’ve earned +40% compare to November
Of course, I don’t know what amount of sales I could get if Elements wasn’t exist, but I have overall growth both sides.
Please send us full image of your sales graph on videohive. You sent 2 images from which I can see October, November and December only. The second image is without of months names and it is in large scale. Strange image.
And by the way. How to delete items from Elements portfolio?
Just click on second image. It will be full res.
Delete them same way as you’ve added
The Idea is that in March (with 85% items on Elements) I got more sales than in October (20% items on Elements) and overall Earnings are higher as well
Earnings are higher =) Compare to October I earned +55% in March.
You should delete them from VH.
Edit menu in Item settings.
Higher if you are going upstairs. You have “mountains” on your graph. This month maybe you will fall into grand canyon.
Every Month earnings (VH+Elements )since October are going up.
Mountains from month to month may differ in 10-15% not more and once again:
So the theory that Elements would drawn away all sales from VH doesn’t work for me
Maybe because of Elements your sales grow up on March maybe not. The difference is not much. To say more it is almost invisible on your graph.
Sales and earnings are different things
I meant earnings of course. Not sales. Graph shows earnings.
You don’t understand how graphs are calculated. You can’t compare graphs from different years just placed it side by side.
Just as an example:
Looks like I earned in 2013 more than in 2018, right?
But NO! Here is an accurate comparison:
Ok. Now it is clear.
By the way. I registered in Elements on February. 21 USD total payout for February for my first 4 items. Is it normal?
Yes, it’s pretty normal for the first month, especially if you added items at the end of February.
Can I create a second Videohive account (non-exclusive also) which is obviously not connected with Elements to be able to upload stock footage items that I don’t want to be available on Elements?
Items on the first VH account are available on Elements.
This is the workaround for obtaining the selectivity that stock footage doesn’t have now.
You can open, shouldn’t be issue
How elements works for After Effects Templates? You can choose which templates you ll send to Elements?
Yes you get them approved on VH then you can choose to upload them on Elements.
you have to wait a few more days. It used to be around the 12th of the month when the report comes out, the last two months it was out around a week earlier, though.
March report is always coming in May because March report includes sales from March 1st to April 30th, so the first possible date to get a March report is May 1st, but for whatever reasons the report needs time to be calculated, verified or whatever hence it takes some days to come out.