I’ve got 200% of VH earnings this month on Elements. Awesome! Elements is not about a price of each item, it’s about a month salary. Totally worth it.
Yep, plus remember that way fewer people will download your items for full price on vidoehive versus so much more people for cheaper on elements… So in theory you could say you are losing money if you assume that all of those people would buy your item for full price too, but that’s not the case. So yeah it’s kinda worth it.
Things are complicated, 1000 downloads on Elements don’t mean that you would have 1000 downoads for full price on market. I was surprised that most downloaded items on Elements were never popular on VH, some of them have no sales at all.
I think nowadays things are changing, every service moving to a subscription model. Remember those days, when we were buying each song in iTunes? Today it seems kinda weird, why we have to pay for every single song if we could pay an affordable subscription and get unlimited music? I bet a lot of musicians were like: “we are losing our money, we got only a few cents for each song, we discount our work” - but they couldn’t stop changing market. I think it happening to a motion graphics, stock footage and stock photography markets in this very moment. Some day most customers will move to subscription, it’s just a matter of time. If I won’t enter Elements at the start, other authors will take my place and it will be much harder to enter. So I prefer to become a part of this new market and maybe loose some income instead of loosing everything.
As for income, Elements gave me more than I ever had on VH. Moreover, VH is not dead yet (but a little sick already).
Yeah. Also since everything is unlimited I believe that the type of items we will be creating can change as well. I don’t think users with unlimited access care about big packs of stuff, when they can download any item just because maybe they liked this one text animation in them. Soo perhaps moving further forward we will be creating only one (lets say lower third) animation as an item itself? Or packs that are have more variety in style/mood, and are sorf of tialored to a wide variety of different customers tastes? So that as much people as possible could find at least one thing in it that they want and solely download it for that of course now this is impossible with current videohive review system when things need be approved for videohive first and only one single lower third animation probably would seem like instant reject
But in the future this perhaps could greatly off set the “oh we are selling big packs for cents” to “oh I’m selling smth I made in an two hours for a few cents”
great thoughts @Atamotion. I guess you can think of these huge packs with big numbers like 1350+ etc as their main selling point as pretty similar to Envato Elements.
As in, you most probably don’t need 90% of the stuff but you pay to get access just in case you need it. The payment structure is different, and that may be the deciding factor for a buyer.
Having one of those big packs on Elements would be ridiculous, this would mean a big loss for the author I assume. But this is not only true for Packs, but also other more complex items. I think there are items for which Elements will never be the right market, so videohive will in fact coexist besides Elements. We may only see more big, high priced items from now on.
As for the complete industry changing to subscription model as @mrSunshiner mentioned, I don’t think that is true. I do see this more from the perspective of a motion designer than a stock footage producer, though:
Of course, big professional customers who are doing a lot of video work for clients will like the big amounts of templates and they will love the variety, just as well as youtubers who are doing videos every week.
But on videohive I have seen many small companies trying to get just one video for their website put together, with no real interest in doing hundreds of video from now on. The template market attracts people who don’t want to learn a lot about video animation but have a professional looking video in few seconds.
They may translate to recurring customers who then will see Elements as a viable option but my guess is the percentage of non-video-savy companies that tell the intern: “hey, do a video for our website, here is this videohive thingy, just take something from them and make it show our text and logo” is not so low right now.
As I said earlier, this is the template market as I see it. For stock footage, the client base may consist of more recurring, multiprojects customers.
More of that, there are “Video Production Agencies” who creates videos for their clients fully from VH projects. They might add some tweaks and custom things, but overall this trend is growing
Yup, I meant those when I said “big professional customers who are doing a lot of video work for clients”
Lot’s of authors from videohive have great problem with their earnings after Elements has appeared. Almost no sales for projects from “Newest Items” category on videohive i can see. These projects just “dying”. Authors really can’t understand anything. Even Motion Revolver (reviewer on videohive) couldn’t be satisfied at first at all by Elements. Today he says Elements are not so bad as he thought. But he is Power Elite author. All Power Elite and some Elite authors will not be crashed by elements ever because buyers will always use videohive for such great projects as they create. But not every author can create such projects as they do. So Elements are really not good for videohive. Why not to create group here and let’s see how many of us ready to delete their projects from Elements. And then let’s delete them at once and watch our earnings.
I agree, such rates videohive will die soon, and authors will work for cents and plus taxes, as a result it will be the end…
I not say that the down in the sales is only because Envato Elements, there is several issues. But something is going on in videohive and part of the problem is elements.
This is the graphic of my ítem sales count of 2017-2018-and the three first moth of 2019.
december 2018 -31% less than december 2017
january 2019 -31% less than jannuary 2018
february 2019 -49% less than february 2018
march 2019 -42% less than march 2018
the the tendency is scary…
I’ve got almost hundred pages of $0.01 sales. Top item sold for $14, that is not much too. But overall monthly earnings is great, so, as for me personally, I don’t see any reason to complain.
Also love the Elements. Top item sold for $15,* so it means Item was downloaded more than 1500 times ? right ?
Overal monthly result is realy nice, but can be better )
No, That Item might be downloaded Once. If a person Downloaded one Item half of his monthly subscription will go for that one download. I have Some items with 50-80$ per month.
Let’s say customer downloaded whole portfolio once, but then I will add new item per month, and that download will cost different money. And this is also the idea, the far subscription goes the more valuable it becomes to an author. I have constant growth during half a year, last 3 months I’ve added like 5 or 6 items.
How many items do you have on elements? Is it worth to upload whole portfolio on Elements? I uploaded my most popular items there and now they are not selling anymore on videohive.
Almost whole portfolio, I have different strategy for different items. But I do have sales both market and Elements.
To say more, I made this transition in 3-4 months, I’ve added one part, then some more and so on. I was analyzing how it affects on my Markets sales. For me - I haven’t noticed falls. More of that March is the best month this year.
You upload items on Elements. Then how your earnings on videohive increase because of this action? They should be decreased. Subscribers will use from that moment only your portfolio on Elements.
I see that earnings decreased since October on videohive in your portfolio. So you are wrong about Elements helps us to increase sales.