Why was this slides got rejected ?

They wrote that: “we found it isn’t at the quality standard required”. Can you help me please what standards should be there? Will you show me one example?

I uploaded my photos can you give me some advice about it.

The @n2n44 feedback from your last post can be applied here.

The elements are all over the place. No alignments, poor hierarchy.

hi , I am sorry to tell u just this but the thing is that most of the design that u have here depends on the pictures that u have selected … but also consider that the item - I mean the main zip file - will not have any of these pictures inside, so how do u think that potential buyers would have felt after buying when they open the file and realize that there “is only this left”? Look, apart from baby shop , all the other ones have no work at all in terms of background and they basically consist in in plain color backgrounds and text being placed on top of them … in addition, all your “call to action buttons” are definitely not catching the attention and clearly not pushing to click either . The typo is clean but kind of flat , too, as there is no real originality here at the moment … not to mention that all of them really lack finition … there is no shadowing in the worst scenario and in the best one, this is not really convincing … The positioning of the logo inspires me that u do not know what z-lay out is and let’s also face it the disposition and so on of the concerned logo is making close to no sense at all when it comes to branding. Some of the bullet that u have put , like in the baby shop are not efficient, too. 50 % is hardly popping out and what should be catching the attention and being part of primary info is looking like a secondary information instead, in other words, u have some problems of hierarchy and valuing the elements that should be valued indeed