We started to ignore forums?

yes, i’m not reading them a lot.
just writing here to point out my disappointment…

this new forum is a mess. previously i could locate new topics easily and follow my own topics even more easily with the right tab, without doing anything.
i could go on AJ or VH forums directly to follows discussion there.
now i’m quite lost and the overall experience is bad.

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I agree but it still looks like a “not good” transition. I believe thr are more and more authors who stopped using forums

Some good news: @webcreations907 fix https://gist.github.com/Webcreations907/5efce6dc8f1d971411e2 has made the forum a little more tolerable for me. Thanks buddy, I hope Envato adopts this layout.

I rather stayed on the new forum to see different fields of posts that I never had seen before, as the new forum combines all forums. So I stayed longer on the new forum before my account had been deleted. Now I’m scared to write a post as I worry that my account may go wrong. It’s somewhat distracted at first, but it seems to have many advantages after you adapt to it, except that new articles goes into the back quickly due to having too many new posts on the integrated forum.

Anyway I like the features of this new forum and I also would like to install and use it on my server, but Discourse is based on Ruby and it seems that it needs to compile before installing it though. I prefer PHP based forum for me to use it. :tangerine:

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another drawback is that from the old forum i could see my account balance and earnings. so i bookmarked the forum page to see if i sold something AND if there are intersting thread.
now i just to AJ main page to check the balance and close the page! :smile:

Of course we started to ignore it.
Because we are a USER, and the forum is not USERFriendly.


I still open the forums daily, but I only check notifications on the topics I follow. Basically, I subscribed to the Envato official statements category to make sure I don’t miss anything important.

Other stuff is now just a lot of noise to me. In this world of information, I don’t want to allow myself to dig through a pile of info I absolutely don’t need or to waste my time installing dozens of third party scripts and hacks to be able to use the official forums of such a serious company.

Even this topic got to my attention quite accidentaly, because it was at the top when I opened the forums. I am a day or two late, as I can see.

Is this New Forum Reviewed by Themeforest Reviewers?


Just Kidding haha

@FranklinM2 thanks, surjithctly provided the start of that on This Post which I think he’s included in the Better Envato Chrome extension now.

Any ideas/additions you can think of just let me know. :smile:

BTW, seems the link you provided to the gist in your last reply is going to 404 page.


Thanks to both you and @surjithctly. Il’ll check out the extension as well. Link updated.

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How can I subscribe to specific category? :koala:

I visit the forum daily, but I don’t use it anymore, like I did before.

I still visit but feel less inclined to post or participate. My main reason for visiting was to connect with other composers around the world. Now I feel that graphic designers, video fx guys, web designers and coders are all listening in to what we say! It has lost the magic it had for me sadly and I am looking at the forums less and less.

Too much clutter and in general it’s a diminished experience. It’s the first big mistake I’ve seen Envato make since I joined in 2013. The new features of the forums do not compensate for what we lost.

The archiving of the old threads was a big mistake too. Lots of great and useful information lost in an archive very few will ever visit. Bummer :frowning:


I visit daily but read only a few topics on top. It’s a waste of time to browse (scroll) through the topics older than 12 hours for me now. Sorting by tags doesn’t work for me - WordPress ‘tag’ is not the same as ThemeForest category. Big colorful tag labels are more featured than the topic titles - a very distracting element.

Not as much now as I feel less motivated to do so everything is everywhere and I much preferred it when there was specific niche type forums saves the hassle of seeing all of the junk posts all the time.

Almost stopped reading it.

I was much more active on the old forums. I only visit 2 threads here, and maybe respond to some “rejected songs” threads.

On the main forums page you have “All categories” filter on the top left. Choose a category you want and only topic from that category will be shown. Also there will be another option on the top right, (probably) with an empty circle. Click it and you’ll have a few options - choose blue with the exclamation mark, “Watching”. When you do that, everything posted in the selected category will be shown to you as a notification (number) over your small avatar on the top right of every page.

I hope this helps.

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It does not seem so… If you look at the usual Monthly sales thread (yes, it sucks a little bit) the average number of replies on June, July and August was 280. Currently we only have 63 replies and less than one week for the end of the month.

I don’t even know how to write posts on this new forum, this is my first one. I don’t visit forum few times a day as I did before. Now I force myself to visit it few times a week just to see is there something important.