Huge Changes Here... Kinda Confused Now...

Inactive for long time… Sorry busy and lazy. Is there any important stuff i should need to know from this changes ? Thanks. :blush: And confused about selecting a category for this thread too… :frowning:

Change as in the new forum here or something else?

The new forum is great, takes some time to get the hang of it but all good.

Yeah was lost when i saw this new Forum… Are they changed any other stuff which is very important for Author… ? Thranks. :blush:


Welcome back :smiley: , it really depends on how long you have been gone. Most of the changes and releases that have been made to the envato market are posted here:

Hope you will be doing well :wink:

Thanks :blush:

Yeah, this has to be THE most confusing forum I’ve ever visited. Huge mistake. If there isn’t an option to view things in the older format, that would be helpful until they realize this style was a bad idea.