The first project that we discussed was a re-structure of the authoring side of the forums to be able to better accommodate the needs of our community.
I’m pleased to announce that in about 24 hours, we’re going to be going live with these changes.
The new forum structure will build the “authoring” categories around the seven different marketplaces. Allowing for the community members to easily connect with other authors from their marketplace. We’ll also be introducing tags specific to each category.
To speed up the process of the re-organisation, we’ll be running a script that re-categorises specific topics based on how they have been tagged. There will be some manual topic-moving to be done over the course of the next few weeks
The next stage of the project will be an overhaul to the look and feel of the forums, making them easier to use and feel more at “home” with the Envato ecosystem.
Only taken 13 months since I groaned about it - lack of "forums" is annoying - hate to be that person but it was pretty obvious changing to the current format of categories was a bad idea.
Badges and Marketplace profile links please! I so miss the badges. Not having them on the forums seems to diminish the worth of them, and to me makes them not as much of a goal to work towards as they once were on the old forums. I really miss viewing other author’s badges while reading the forums.
@matthewcoxy Is there a way to choose which marketplace topics you see at once? For example, I’m an Elite Author who’s authoring on both ThemeForest and CodeCanyon. Is there a way where if I view the latest forum topics, I can see the topics from the Elite, TF and CC forum sections all on one page? This way I wouldn’t have to jump between the three constantly…
While not a perfect solution, you can Mute any categories (or tags) that you’re not interested in - that way, the “Latest” view displayed for your account will only show topics from the areas that you want to see.
Still no category to provide feedback on site. Which proves again that envato don’t care any suggestions from authors. No need to yell it again on forums! right?