Hey folks,
Matt here, your friendly neighbourhood (acting) Community Manager.
Over the past few months we’ve learned a lot about the way in which our community wants to interact on our forums, but perhaps more importantly, we’ve learned what kinds of conversations we’ve allowed for, and those that we want to see more of.
Today we’re announcing that over the course of the next few months, we’re going to be acting on a few of our learnings and rolling out some new changes to our forums. Primarily with a view towards bringing our customers and our authors closer together. How are we going to do that?
We’re going to be introducing a new “Project Making” Category.
Although we don’t always see them, customers frequently visit our forums. These project makers are an integral part of our community, and we felt it was high-time that we made room for them, their discussions and most importantly their projects. To this end, we wanted to build a space where our customers, authors and anyone interested in creative projects can come together to show, share and learn.
So, how’s that going to work?
Over the next few days, we’re going to be adding some additional structure to the forums by adding two top-level categories. These will be:
Authoring on Envato
Project Making
By top level we mean that these two categories will hold subcategories beneath them.
Authoring on Envato will become home to the forum categories as you know them today. The only difference is the “looking for” category, which will become “author collaboration”. Looking for, will be relocated into our Project Making space, as will Courses and tutorials.
Project Making’s subcategories will be defined around the creative fields of the project makers.
Web design & development
Graphic design
Videography & motion graphics
Courses and Tutorials
Looking for…
Project collaboration
The view behind this is that we can allow people to navigate to the areas that house the specific conversations they want to have.
Want to get involved?
We’ll be sending customers into the Project Making space. Jump in, lend a hand and encourage folks to show, share their projects and let others know how they built them. It’s a great way to build relationships with users, learn about their needs and show off what you know
Got a customer who’s built something seriously cool? Encourage them to showcase their work for others to see and comment on. It will help them, and you!
Got a project you’re working on outside of the market? Jump in and share your work.
We’re going to be watching, learning and tweaking as we go along. We’re going to be working with authors to implement some structural changes on the Authoring side very shortly, as well as rolling out some visual changes and category specific tagging.
This is a big project. It’s about building a space that can serve as a joint asset for our authors and our customers, and so we’d love everyone to get involved. If all the groups that make up our community can come together and help each other succeed, we will have created something that’s both incredibly valuable and incredibly unique.