The old forum was much better (imho) as we had different “forums” for different markets… now we have all the markets in one “forum” but to distinguish from each “forum” we just tag the post e.g. WordPress.
These new forums are a complete mess of posts as there is no “categorization” so we can only see stuff we want to do e.g. stuff posted in Themeforest… I now need to keep an eye on tags to only see the stuff I want to, but not everyone will tag their posts.
The current categories are really poor e.g.
“community meta” - why not called it feedback?
“shop talk” - I can’t work out what this is meant for
"tips and tricks" - looks like author feedback for items, but why not called it item discussion?
The new forum is much better feature wise (auto update posts, notifications in browsers, notification of tagging etc but it’s just been poorly thought it, it’s just a complete mess of every “market” forum posts… bring back market based forums please…
I personally do like the new forums. I think we’re just a bit afraid cause it’s new and different. If some early issues are resolved this will be a way better place.
If you are searching for different forums you can find them in categories or tags
If Envato just change the look a bit to match their CI and merge them back into the marketplace this is going to be a good place
but as I said above, the categories have been poorly thought out and the tags won’t be used as much as they hope…
The categories need to be scrapped and redone with each marketplace… and then extra ones for site feedback… basically how it was on the old forums… they have changed it and made it worse to navigate / follow
This new forum feels so disconnected from the marketplace. I really hope the devs will integrate it better with marketplace soon. Pretty bummed that it’s this drastic of a change.
I have to agree - I know its new and ill probably get used to it, but it would be nice if things were separated down a little rather than a constant flood from all marketplaces
I love the new forums. But yes, It would be great to have categories back.
Also the three features mentioned by @fuelthemes are required. (Well I dont really mind point 3 )
They did ask for your feedback on category names in the old forums.
There’s a small box on the bottom right which shows your scroll progress, you could click on it to reach to the bottom faster. Much faster than on the old forums actually.
True, looks like Envato forgot the fact that they had their own style guide.
Yeah, I didn’t check the thread as it was a spam fest of ideas, and I would have thought they would have got the basics right, which is individual marketplace forums as why would someone on AudioJungle want to see loads of posts about WP themes.
This forum is much easier to “use” but it’s gone backwards a lot in it’s ease of use and navigation
@scottwills - any idea if there are plans to reorganise the categories and the top navigation