Not sure but I feel that we have started to not use forums as we were on the old forums. I spoke to few other authors and they also agree with it, Is this because of the new forum look and how it function overall?
Are you guys also started to ignore the new forum?
I wouldn’t say that I’m ignoring the forums, but somehow I don’t feel as motivated as before. I can’t tell an exact reason for this, but it seems that coming to the forums is a boring experience now
Agreed! It’s very cluttered and feels overwhelming.
I admit, it’s been awhile since I’ve used the forums in general, but I somehow remember enjoying the others more. Though as of recent, I’ve been making an attempt to participate more.
it’s been a while I was on envato overall, but I think the upside to this is that all ppl around the community communicate with each other who normally don’t.
Same here. I’m a TF author, but when i open forums, i see first 10 threads from AJ authors. After that i close the page and don’t even look at other threads. SO messy
Same for me. Older forum was well integrated in the Envato marketplace… The new one is like another website community, apart from Envato. We can’t access to the user’s profiles easily, we don’t see user’s badges etc. I really miss the old forums
Ohk so i’m not the only one who think like this. I used to stay on forums for hours sometimes when I dont have something to do but these days I hardly open forums.
Its the same for me. I used to visit the forums a few times a day. Now it’s once per week. I have lost the desire to navigate this mess. Strangely enough I like Discourse ( the app running this forum) when used on other site but not on this one.
I totally agree. I like the concept behind the new forum but it’s somehow very unappealing. I hardly read anything anymore, I think mainly because the marketplace categories have disappeared.
Granted there will be some transition when make such big changes, but were seeing the same activity levels on the new forums as we were on the old. We will be working on design and layout as we go, and you are certainly encouraged to customize your experience by muting tags etc.
First thing to do? 1. Take this link: 2. Add your area of interest (e.g. audio). 3. Add this link to your bookmarks toolbar. Otherwise it almost feels like visiting the old forums under a spam attack.