understanding envato fees

can some one please help me understand why my items are listed at 25 dollars


sold at 20 and i only receive 12.50 per item…



They take a percentage.

They take 55% from non-exclusive authors, and here’s the fee schedule for exclusive authors (decreases as you sell more): https://help.market.envato.com/hc/en-us/articles/214154443-Envato-Author-Fee-Schedule

And the $5 taken from the original $25 is the buyer’s fee. They calculate the author’s fee on the $20 that’s left.

Good question.

Also i want to ask, from 44 usd, i get 20 usd, and i m exclusive author and i sign form, is ok?

thanks, but exactly is or stands for “buyers fee”

on the other side 50% cutoff is a lot, lot, lot, lot of money…
envato says the sellers fee is to cover the review process, but my latest files have been on the queue for three months :frowning:

Had you not considered looking into this before you uploaded your items and sold a bunch of them?

Not sure where you read that, but still… what fees have you been charged for those files that have been in the queue for three months?


i understand “item quality control” as the review process for each file we upload. about my files being on queue for more thant three months…


so i would expect my files to be reviewed faster.