The Rating System

Hi, I just run into another issue with the Envato rating system - as always. We have received a bad rating on one of our products because it does not support RTL. We do not advertise such feature anywhere on the page, the buyer haven’t asked if it is supported. So we contacted support (I was sure the rating will be removed) and as always we got copy/paste answer that the rating is valid with the “community guidelines”…

Envato is constantly saying that they are trying to improve the experience and the rating system but this is just madness. I can purchase any Theme or Plugin and rate it 1 star because it didn’t came with a car :open_mouth:

I am sure I reed somewhere on the forums a post by Envato employee which stated the the unfair ratings will be removed.

As always great job.

P.S I am sure this will be quickly removed so please answer quickly :slight_smile:

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2016 roadmap

Contact support and give all evidence

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You can’t do anything with this unfortunately. You will not get rating removed if it posted by real user (not competitor or bot). We have a lot of ratings because “Theme does not have documentation”, because users download Installation theme file instead of All files & Documentation.


I would say 2020 roadmap :smile:

At least, Envato must provide a way to help us contacting back the buyer who rated 1 star.

It is not fair if buyer gives a bad rating without giving a chance to author to resolve the issue. And in this particular case if it is not advertised in product page it is totally nonsense if user gives a 1 start rating because in general not all theme supports RTL. Envato must remove these kind of reviews. I have posted a suggestion in this regards you can have a look on it and share your views. New Feature Suggestion for Envato Rating System