This guide is based on an AudioJungle community forum discussions about complex issues like PRO royalties and CID. Feel free to improve this guide by making comments and sharing your experience.
I’ve written the following chapters already:
- #1 How to find projects with your music
- #2 Performing Rights Organisation Royalties (PRO)
- #3 Content Identification (CID)
- #4 PDF in the zip
- #5 Moving from AdRev to Identifyy (Haawk)
- #6 Youtube vs PRO royalties
- #7 AudioJungle & VideoHive
First of all, I would recommend everyone registering with CID protection service like Identifyy. Thanks to this you can get extra money, find videos with your music (especially those which use your music without license) and protect your tracks against “CID pirates” who register unregistered tracks as their works in CID (!). Go to chapter #3 to read more about registering with CID, this chapter is about moving from AdRev to Identifyy (Haawk).
For many years AdRev has been the most popular CID service among AJ authors. Unfortunatelly in the last few years AdRev:
- almost stopped finding new videos for many AJ authors, even though they are approving new tracks (which means for us no copyright protection! And of course lower earnings)
- does not clearly inform authors which tracks were rejected after submission (e.g. from genres like percussive or ambient). It’s important since they have very restrictive rules regarding audio-fingerprinting-risky genres and reject more tracks comparing to Identifyy
- probably did not collect a “publishing” part of the YT royalties for (some? most? all?) royalty free composers
- stopped registering new AJ authors (or at least most of them)
If you’re using AdRev, you can compare your current monthly number of video findings with similar period in the past. If you see a drop, it is very likely that you can earn much more with other CID service and (what is more important) better protect your music against unauthorised use.
Identifyy (Haawk) became the best well known CID service for us. Some authors moved their portfolios to their service and after few months it seems to be way more efficient. In my case it is uncomparably higher number of found videos and +1000% higher earnings(!). They have a great support and treat AJ authors seriously.
Whole transfer of portfolio is easy, immediate and painless. You will not loose money and your clients will not have double claims. You can even negotiate their share percent.
The only issue you can encounter is a higher rate of single clients who ask you for whitelisting their video (you can save time by adding this PDF to your zip). It happens because Identifyy finds way more videos than AdRev. But don’t worry, it is still a very small number comparing to number of tracks which you have sold.
Is it worthy?
Let me quote @AurusAudio:
Moving tracks from AdRev to Identifyy is very easy:
- Ask AdRev via this form to stop protecting your tracks. Some say that you can simply skip this point and it will be ok as well.
- Upload tracks to Identifyy (Haawk)
- Change “CID name” field in your item pages to “Identifyy (Haawk)” instead of “AdRev”. Use this awesome tool to make a super quick batch edit of whole portfolio.
Quick tips:
- do not upload Logos shorter than exact 30 seconds because Youtube CID tracking engine doesn’t use tracks shorter than 30sec, even though CID services can approve them
- upload all variations
- upload demos from kits
- upload music without watermarks
- try to avoid uploading music inelligible for Youtube CID. Elligibility criteria change from time to time but usually the most important thing is to avoid uploading public domain tracks. You can find full description here
- you probably wonder what is going on with the double name Identifyy-Haawk. Haawk is a company providing wider copyright protection services. Identifyy is a part of this company as a self-administration tool for the CID protection. But keep in mind that “Haawk” is the name which appears in the CID claims.
And there is on thing you should be aware of. Identifyy (Haawk) asks you for a three years contract which is hard to terminate. Usually it shouldn’t bother you unless you try to move your tracks to other library which doesn’t allow CID registration. By the way, we do not recommend moving to such libraries.
I’ve made a big update to chapter #3 where I exchanged all AdRev instructions with way more efficient Identifyy (Haawk).
Feel free to share your experience!