No sign of audiojungle or Envato on Shutterstock.
Nope. But no signs of Pond5, PremiumBeat or Giphy either, right?
They are on Shutterstock but not us yet.
Apparently now is a transitional period and some time is needed to display cooperation with AJ.
Probably they will close aj and the entire Envato marketplace only keep Elements considereing how things are going now…
Definitely a chance. But do you think they’ll let all the currently non-invited authors just out of the game and delete their portfolios or will they bulk include everyone to Elements, literally nuking author’s earnings and the quality standard?
So yes, you think they’ll bulk add every asset to Elements (they did it with Pond5).
I kind of agree but I also hope we’re both wrong.
In the meantime, let’s just enjoy the view.
Also, they should ask for permission to authors before they do any major modifications they do not own us, actually they own just the platform and name, everything else is a contribution, I think is illegal what Envato did if I think about it.
I dont understand your thoughts , why they should keep Elements and kill Market ? why it should’n be otherwise ? Shutterstock is subscription base model and cost 250$ , Elements subscription cost 16$. If Shuttetstock want to elemenate competitiors they should starts from Elements not from market.
Because none of it makes any sense, mark ny words next year at this time there will be no codecanyon or themeforest, maximum three years from now there will be no Elements!
Shutterstock did not close the other marketplace. I mean P5. And ıt’s been a long time.
So you can stop spreading false predictions.
I hope you are right… but so far I was right and the new CEO starts to invest some time here…
Negative emotions aren’t helpful here. Elements and Market are still two separate platforms, and I believe both will stick around. Analyzing the overall sales on Market, the trend is downward, but it seems to have slowed in recent weeks.
For CC, there’s no real alternative, and other theme markets don’t come close to TF’s sales. I don’t see Shutterstock shutting these markets down after investing in them, especially with top authors (still) doing well.
As for Elements - on Shutterstock, the subscription plan was wisely designed, with download limits, which makes sense. It wouldn’t be surprising if Elements goes in that direction too.
You are not right in anyway and you have never been.
You are not an audiojungle author. Why do you come here to spread bad news, false claims and unfounded predictions?
Why are you spreading negativity here in AJ forum?
I don’t care about your opinions. But seeing you, spreading negativity here for years has begun to disturb me.
This is really non-sense.
It is my right to share my opinion I am part of Envato.
I was right about Elements I and a few others have fought it in vain since day one look what it did to the marketplace or am I not right?
By the way I don’t really care about your opinion either but you are free to share it either I like it or not!
Agree .They even didn’t close bigstockphoto lol. Btw they bought it at 2009! and its still available, but yes from 2022 they stops all uploads, thats true.
But who knows what awaits us in this age of AI =(
Aren’t or were you part of Elements contributors?