Review queue initiative: author upload limits.

Glad to hear some smart decision after Envato has made one silly decision after another, not all are lost there is a light in the end of the road. Thank you Envato! Now proceed deleting older items no longer selling.

I was thinking just the same, but then realized that it would be true only if the review time decreased to 5 days. Otherwise if you have your 5 items in the queue, you have to wait 17 days for the first item to be processed, then, gradually you upload the remaining allowed 4, and you have to wait 12 days to get the possibility to upload again.

CONTRACT MORE REVIEWERS!! this is very funny, review again the review time for the new ítems, and you can do it having more employees, but not that is not a good solution.

i am going to tell ya another thing that you must correct and it has to do with the review time: with another account and nick, we put a ítem in a account and it was hard rejected, until here ok, but we put the same ítem in another account(THE SAME ITEM) and you know what,… WAS AWESOME AND KEEP THE GOOD WORK!! ( after having 15 days in one account and another 15 days in the other account!!SIMPLE AMAZING!!

is alright to pay attentio to the good quality, i understand, but for me is very simply , have more reviewers, and you know you can do it, you are a big one in the internet!!

Good decision, finally …
Although, I already see large teams that used to submit 10 items monthly open new profiles and submit items on new profiles …

Good move, Envato. Happy to read this!

Thank you Envato! :blush:

Not sure if t wasn’t suggested already as it’s an obvious thing: I think the differentiation of the limit threshold for submissions should be based not on authors’ eliteness/non-eliteness, but on their authorship’s history: approve/reject ratio, presence/absence of rules violations etc. Hope it will be tweaked to optimal way after some tests.


I’m new here and I fell down into the trap of “quantitative” in the beginning. Now I understood! :wink: I think it is good to limit, this will push us to be better and improving our music.

As someone who produces quickly this is not ideal for me, but I do understand why this may be a necessary move. I hope that they are able to get the review length down to 5 days, since I do believe that 1/day upload rate is a good compromise. For a long while I was doing 3/day and usually only 1 or 2 would be accepted, so in the end this change may have the intended effect of upping the quality since I know I don’t have unlimited upload spots.

With all due respect this will and should never happen.

I am not denying that there are ways in which the process could be improved or that the reviewers are perfect every time (let’s face it they are only human) but nor are all authors, and there are far too many who simply do not have the experience, judgement or expertise to question or rate reviewers.

No one can deny the number of rejections shared here which are not even close to the standard, let alone the huge number we know are submitted and we don’t see, and even certain authors who even come on forums complaining about reviews when they simultaneously admit that they have not fulfilled all requirements.

I am not aiming this at anyone individually and yes of course there are also authors who have the skills to judge and some very valid points. However the number of these authors is tiny compared to those who simply are not qualified to judge.

It’s exactly the same as when a beginner buys a file then rates it 1 star because they don’t know how to use it.

If you have a genuine issue with a reviewer/decision then you can raise it with support.


like many pointed out, this is a great move towards quality over quantity, but it does seem a bit unfair to non-elite authors. 1 x 2 or even 3 items should have been enough IMO

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This is a crowded business. An item may or may not “deserve” a sale, but as authors we shouldn’t make the mistake of taking exposure for granted. Authors who claim they are “working hard” by means of uploading a lot of tracks per month, don’t forget that every approved item leads to another item being pushed down in the search. Others as well as your own. I have over 200 tracks on AJ now, every new one I upload competes with all the older ones. If they’re not unique or better than the rest, it’s only fair if they should go unnoticed. Gaining exposure by means of production speed is not making any sense outside of a date-ranked search engine scenario. Every step away from mind-numbing copy-paste production is a step towards thoughtful and inspiring music, IMO. Even those who create great items in short amounts of time should be happy with a market landscaping that aims to cut some weed, because it’s the landscape that attracts the customer in the first place, and less weed means more exposure for your great items. Quantity, or production speed, shouldn’t be a success factor in an overcrowded market.


I see there is a fierce debate going on this issue, also on the other thread. I just notice two things got lost in the meantime:

A) Most of us here took part in the worrying discussions about piracy, and how some crooks steal tons of material to upload it to AJ in a batch. So why all of a sudden, the discussion now has shifted to be about hard-working and less working authors? Folks, we were crying out loud for Envato to deal with the piracy, so now it is exactly what has happened.

B) I realize this rule will change the game for many real, and decent authors here, but I feel that from a market point of view, keeping the balance between different authors, giving more spaced out and varied exposure is the natural way to go, which improves overall impression AJ has on clients, both old and new.

As an example, there is a big 3D modelling marketplace where the team accepts items beforehand, and then manually publishes them, following their own considerations, dictated by promotions, sales, etc.

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Probably authors who boast that they write the track about 3 hours it is worth considering that the Envato gives them a chance instead of selling 100 tracks once, made one excellent and sell it 1000 times.


That’s not the case. You can upload 5 items every “queue length period of time”.
If the queue is a month, there will be an approval gap of 25 days. If the queue is 5 days, you can upload 1 item every day.
I might be wrong… :wink:

In my team 5 developer, 1 designer. We develop 4 products at the moment. Is it mean i will wait approve 12 months? My last item was 2 months in the queue plus a few weeks for fixes.
I’m against 1 item in the queue. I cant grow my business. That is a crazy step. I have plan for 8 months and your solution decrease the plan into 1 year or more. I dont do shit and didnt get hard-rejected.

If 1 item in the queue will not decrease waiting time to 2 weeks - its not look like solution. Just made a new developers of wp themes from business into hobby, because you cant made business with 1 theme in 4 months (in most cases). - this is not true. I waiting 60+ days for soft-reject instead 26 that is displays.

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1 Item in the queue at any one time too few for Standard.
it restricts development to a new team established

Sounds fine!

Focusing on quality over quantity !
Like but 1 item on author standard too few !

We total agree with focusing on quality over quantity. But just only one item for standard author is too few
I develop wordpress theme like a fulltime job, I can’t survive with 2-3 month per month
I have an idea with the time limit. We should be penalized if the author has a bad item with hard reject. Can be the author will be limit 30 days for a hard reject item
This is my opinion
Thank you for reading