Sorry to open another thread but the previous one doesn’t really have a proper title and can be locked.
Long story short, ATM withdrawal operation failed because the machine was out of cash, my account got charged anyway, just had a chat with payoneer support and i cannot believe what i was told.
To have my money back i need to file a dispute which will be passed to their legal department which will take a month to decide whether to give my money back or not.
Are you freaking serious ? It’s a failed ATM operation, not a stolen card used to purchase goods.
I’m shocked. Really.
If that’s how payoneer deals with ATM issue, the whole system is completely useless.
It probably takes that much because their card was charged by your ATM in your country. So they have to get in touch with that bank, and all the legal stuff takes some time.
It probably takes that much because their card was charged by your ATM in your country. So they have to get in touch with that bank, and all the legal stuff takes some time.
that's not the point. The bank already told me since the transaction failed, the credit should have not been charged or completely refunded.
It’s a digital transaction performed at Mastercard ATM, there was no human interaction besides me entering the correct PIN. The transaction failed, all it’s recorded. They for sure have the tools to check the data with mastercard and solve the issue immediately and by themselves.
Instead, i’ve been asked to file a “Cardholder Statement of Disputed item - Fraud” like if somebody else stole my card. That’s simply ridiculous.
I have nothing to dispute, i was the one doing the transaction and the amount was correct. The ATM was just out of cash and the “transaction failed” message was shown in the display. Keyword here is “failed”.
I pay my freaking bills with envato earnings, cannot wait 1 month or more to have them back. That’s totally unacceptable from a system used to pay thousand of authors just here on Envato marketplaces.
The only solution for future ATM withdrawal is what I make sometimes when I know I want to withdraw a bigger amount is that I take it from 2-3 different ATMS in smaller chunks.
That way the chances are lower if I run into an empty ATM and even if I do, with the smaller amounts I only loose part of my withdrawal for a month.
I never heard about out of cash on ATM causing such an headache for user. Since this is well expected situation, both the parties should be prepared to resolve this in faster manner to help user. May be this situation being exploited to hold money for some time
I had in plan to move on Payoneer in 2013, but seeing that just happened to you, I totally canceled my plans, and I will stick with my bank card from my country. That’s just stupid, if an ATM fails, the money should be instantly refunded, or not withdrawn from the card at all.
I don’t see the point of filling a dispute, since you have nothing to dispute here, an ATM failed, just restore the money. Plain and simple. I feel bad for you, and like it wasn’t worse enough, it’s the Christmas period too.
Hopefully you will get back your money asap, good luck mate.
paypal, payoneer, swift all work like crap for simple users. You have millions no one will mess with your money but if you just want to transfer some relatively small amounts, boom! horror stories!
Can I ask why you guys choose Payoneer over Swift transfer?
I would use in case my earnings are high enough that I need to hide part of it from the government.
For example you earn 10K a month, you transfer 4K to your bank and pay taxes and use the remaining and 6K to your Payoneer and use it without any TAX deduction.
It’s worth especially for countries with high income tax.
well for the US personal income tax is not that bad since it’s only around 30% according to wikipedia but some European countries have close to 60% income tax! (as a the side note those countries have 15 to 20% lower corporate income taxes,)
so imagine that: you earn 10K and 6K goes as income tax to your government.
and if you buy something from your remaining 4K then in those countries you can calculate with 20-27% VAT so you can spend actually somewhere around ~3K
Then I go and think about getting my money without a trace on my national bank account.
Hi bitfade,
First, calm down.
Second, you are accusing Payoneer while you don’t know who is the real culprit.
I use Payoneer extensively because it’s the only option available here. I got a few failed payments, and this did not result in my Card getting charged.
If your card is charged, it means the money was transferred from Payoneer to your Bank. Now the money is in the bank’s hands. Payoneer simply can’t reverse the payment.
You should simply follow the steps they asked you, and also look up on the Internet if you bank is the real bastard.