Ovatheme Theme not working and they have refuse to support

Pls I need help ovatheme support center not attending to my complain.

Hey there, sorry to hear you’re having trouble! Have you purchased the product from ThemeForest or Envato Elements?

yes i have

You should encourage Ovatheme company to have a live chat box

I sent them mail about 8 times today and also comment on some discussion buh they stay muted

Have you purchased it from ThemeForest or Envato Elements?

Yes I have

If you’ve purchased from Envato Elements, item support is not included. Envato Elements Item Support Policy (link), however, if you’ve purchased from ThemeForest you can get in touch with Envato Help & Support Center (link) and notify them about this situation.

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Buh I was charge for support

You can get in touch with Envato Help & Support Center (link) and notify them about this situation. They will help you get a refund and get in touch with the author on your behalf.


I paid for support service buh I will try using your help now

Their support states that they try to reply within 24 hours. Your comments were 7-8 hours ago so envato won’t be able to help yet.

The support included with purchases is not guaranteed to be 24/7 and unfortunately sending multiple tickets is unlikely to speed it up.

Given it’s a weekend I’m sure they will reply ASAP during busing periods.

FYI reading your item comments - the charges are only applicable depending on how you plan to use your site, the traffic etc

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Okay I will wait 24 hours buh won’t they help me fix the new users issues? Registered users can’t use link emailed to login to their account.

Envato won’t get involved until the author has actually acted outside of the rules. In this case:

  • Less than 24 hours on a weekend is not out of scope. Just for clarity the 24 hours is not guaranteed. It is a target that they aim for.

  • While I am sure the author will reply and if there is a solution provide it, if it can only be done via Google’s API and a buyer does not want to do that then this would be outside of scope.

I strongly suggest reading Google’s maps info in the meantime to see if it even applies. https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/embed/usage-and-billing

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Okay buh not talking about google map now, what am saying is that, when new users register on the site, the register page didn’t allow them to generate their custom password, instead an email link is sent to their email, buh this email link is not working, i mean is not talking them anywhere. And this is bad.

It’s probably just setting either in the theme admin or the message may be being spammed by recipients. That type of probably is something that the author will probably be able to help with

okay thanks. still waiting to hear from them, buh I will give it 24 hrs like you said.

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