please help me. i dont know where write. i want to use envato file in my youtube video. but i want to make kids song with envatos audio file for my youtube kids chanell. can i do it on standart music license? and this song will be only in youtube on my chanell
Yes standard license is fine for your youtube video.
For more information about license you can check this license FAQ link.
The Standard license is indeed fine for Youtube.
However, please note that you cannot make a song out of an Audiojungle track, this is specifically forbidden as per Envato’s terms.
thanks. where can I read aboute this? i can not find. I was very disappointed. because I wanted so much to make children’s songs for my channel and even wrote the words to the music I have already chosen on this site. and getting ready to buy them. Is there no way to agree on this? may additionally pay? I just fell in love with these music (
This is from the FAQ:
Can I use an AJ track in a stand-alone music track? What about sound effects?
You may not use music in stand-alone music tracks, but you could use sound effects in a music track.
Example: You can’t add lyrics to an audio track and sell it on iTunes
Although I guess, if it’s only and strictly for your Youtube channel, you may be able to work something out with the author…
Thank you! I will try