New Performing Rights Organization (P.R.O.) policy on AudioJungle is now LIVE

To my understanding you can now add already existing Aj tracks to a Pro. When you edit an existing track you can now also include a composer and publisher name (a new option).

About getting royalties for commercials that are on air now, I don’t know. Please ask somebody else.

In Holland I know it hard. They do fingerprinting for Dutch tv, except for commercials where they still go only for cue sheets. With proof you might have a case… Call your PRO and ask. As I understand it they are they are there for us, the ‘union’ for composers. They will tell you which steps to take.

I also guess every country is different, as they all have different PRO’s. Perhaps ASCAP does fingerprinting on all tv and radio streams. Let’s hope so for the big boys out here.

Also there is a lot of talk in the EU media about a new law to get Youtube (Google) and Facebook to start pay good royalties for music… That would be the day!


Since the old thread has been closed, I tought it would be smart to carify the AJ/PRO/bandcamp thing

I’ve asked Bandcamp yesterday and here’s their response:

On a side note, I’ve been told by Envato support that it’s only possible to offer AJ music on iTunes, bandcamp etc. when you’re a non exclusive Author. I’m almost sure I’ve read something different somewhere. Can somebody from the staff clear this up?

No, you can sell anything on iTunes no matter what status you have on AJ. Many of the very top authors do, and they’re exclusive.

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Here you can find infos about how Bandcamp feels about PRO music being uploaded to their site. From what I understand, the take no responsibility about any royalties to be payed and you agree in paying royalties to PROs if needed. Maybe I didn’t understand correctly…Plus like you say AJ lets you sell your music for PRIVATE LISTENING to iTunes, Bandcamp etc etc…Bandcamp is not in the list but I suppose it’s in the same category.

This is a great idea! Thanks for posting LocoSong! I must go and do the same.

So could you tell me what is IPI?

IPI is an unique identification number that every composer gets when registering with a PRO. With help of the IPI they can locate the right composer and make sure the money ends up in the right place.


Thank you for answer!

Previously, I was not a member of P.R.O. But there has been a mistake to me. I filled: “I HAVE A P.R.O. AFFILLIATION”. What should I do to fix it? Thanks.

If you have already chosen a setting you need to contact support to have it changed

I just sold two broadcast licences to usa buyers and had already filled in my name as a composer + ipi number! Now let’s see if there will be any royalties (in 2 years time (from usa to holland it takes 2 or 3 years)) :smiley:


Fact: if you register a pseudonym it gets a different ipi number!

[Edit: it’s an extra (sub) ipi that goes with the pseudonym, but refers to your real name and account with the PRO.]

Yes, that’s even better, it still goes to the right place.

Awesome. Glad this is taking effect!

That’s misleading. IPI numbers generated for pseudonyms are called “sub-IPI numbers” and they link to the “Base IPI number” tied to your legal name and PRO. That insures that you will get paid under your legal name regardless of which name you use. Without mentioning that, some people might get confused and think their money could get lost if they use a pseudonym when in actuality, everything should be fine as long as the PRO knows your pseudonyms.

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Sorry, I’m not a great writer, yeah!!!

So it’s really just a tip: if you ask your PRO for a pseudonym (at least here in Holland), it takes a few days/weeks for them to check in the big database of pseudonyms if someone else already took it. If it’s free they put you on that big list (that all PRO’s have access to). Then they confirm it in an email to you. But they DO NOT automatically send you the (sub) ipi number of the pseudonym with it. You have to ask specifically for it!

Then if you fill in the pseudonym plus that sub ipi as a composer here on audiojungle, things are on there way… Right?

Does Anyone know if we can add writer and pub info to the entire portfolio in one global entry or do we have to copy and paste the information for every title one item at a time? Also is there a way to download our entire catalog of titles as a spreadsheet?

This would be great but I don’t think so unfortunately.

Today I finally could register my tracks with my PRO. It felt great. Thanks Envato, this means a lot too me and I’m sure to many other Authors aswell. A big Thank You to everyone who has participated in enabling PRO on Audiojungle. Cheers! :slight_smile: