UPDATE (Oct 4th)
This policy change is now live. For more information see our launch announcement here.
Key points / TL;DR
- In 4-weeks time, we’ll be releasing an update to our policy and platform that allows Performing Rights Organization (P.R.O.) registered music to be sold on AudioJungle.
- Authors MUST complete the P.R.O details in their author settings before the launch date (October 4th 2016) or their AudioJungle portfolios will be disabled.
- AudioJungle users should familiarize themselves with the new update to our policy and related Help Articles: one for authors, and one for customers. No TL;DR here, you’ll definitely want to check these out from beginning to end!
- AudioJungle users should familiarize themselves with the updated Music License terms.
Hey AudioJungle,
At the end of last year, we shared an update around the Performing Rights Organizations (P.R.O.) policy and introduced a new author setting to help us better understand and prepare for a potential change to our current policy.
We know that Performing Rights Organization (P.R.O.) registered music has continued to be an important topic to many of you, and for those of you who have long expressed your support of it we’re happy to share that as of October 4th 2016 (in 4-weeks time), we’ll be releasing an update to our policy and platform that allows Performing Rights Organization (P.R.O.) registered music to be sold on AudioJungle.
What we’ve done
To help ensure a consistent experience and music offering for customers, as part of this new policy there are some additional settings & requirements for all AudioJungle authors, expectations for authors who wish to sell P.R.O. music, and information for customers on what P.R.O. music is and means for them.
Most of the details (including screenshots) can be found in two new P.R.O. related articles we’ll be publishing to our Help Center, which you can have a read here:
- One for authors, outlining responsibilities and considerations should you choose to register your music with a P.R.O. Whether you plan to sell P.R.O. music on AudioJungle or not, you’ll definitely want to check out this article.
- Another in-depth article for customers, outlining what P.R.O. music is and what it means for projects using AudioJungle music, along with other helpful information. Check out the article here.
And additionally there are some related updates to our Music Licenses terms.
Overall, we believe this policy update will ensure AudioJungle is able to offer customers the highest quality and most diverse music from the world’s most talented composers. Additionally, the update will help to provide greater clarity and transparency on AudioJungle for both customers and authors alike, and help support the most sustainable and flexible marketplace ecosystem for our community.
What you need to know
This is a significant change and we want to give everyone time to familiarize themselves with the new policy information, as well as provide us with the necessary P.R.O. details in your author settings if you have not already.
To highlight a few of the key changes from the above articles:
- With the upcoming change to this policy, we’ll be introducing a finalized author setting for you to set whether or not your AudioJungle account will be affiliated with a P.R.O.
- Due to differing local laws around the world, and to make things clear for buyers globally, this P.R.O. setting will apply to your entire account. By setting a P.R.O. affiliation, it means that all of the music in your AudioJungle portfolio will be considered P.R.O. music.
- As this is important information for customers to have, this setting must be filled out by all AudioJungle authors in order to sell & submit music on AudioJungle.
- To ensure consistency and prevent abuse, once your account is set as P.R.O. affiliated you will not be able to further change this setting yourself. So please make sure this information is correct!
- Additional item attributes will be made available to authors to provide their music’s composer and publisher details to customers.
- The P.R.O. setting & attribute information we collect will be used to provide additional clarity and transparency to AudioJungle customers during their search, browsing, and purchase experience. This includes displaying your P.R.O. affiliation, and allowing customers to filter out P.R.O. music from search results (all music will be included by default).
- Filling out the P.R.O. details on your AudioJungle account does not actually register your music with a P.R.O. in any way, that’s all up to you as the author.
Again there’s a good bit more detail than we can effectively capture here so please be sure to carefully read the new policy articles provided above.
What comes next
When the policy change goes into effect next month, we will be using the details from the current informational P.R.O. author setting released with our previous P.R.O. status update to populate your account’s official P.R.O. affiliation. So please take a moment to confirm that this information is correct, or if you haven’t done so already go fill it out now - it only takes a second
Additionally for existing authors, if you do not have this P.R.O. setting filled out by the new policy launch date, your AudioJungle portfolio will be disabled. As the P.R.O. information is directly related to the license customers purchase, with the new policy we cannot continue to offer any items for sale where this information is unavailable. We will of course be sending out dashboard announcements and email reminders to help make sure this doesn’t happen!
The new P.R.O. policy and related marketplace updates will take effect in 4 weeks time (on October 4th), and we will announce the changes here as soon as they go live. Afterwards, you will officially be permitted to upload P.R.O. registered music to AudioJungle, or register your existing AudioJungle music with a P.R.O. if you so choose.
In the meantime, please take some time to review the new articles and terms and ask any questions. We want you to feel as informed, prepared, and comfortable with this transition as possible.