Is it new pirate tactic?

Hi there!

I received strange letter from someone (he has envato account and has no one item to sale on Videohive):

Hi look this pirate, when he publish the password tomorrow this will spread all over the net good luck with him (link on my item)

This link goes to pirate site where should be my item for free download. Did someone received the same message? Is it new tricky pirate tacktic?

You should’t care about illegal spread of your items that much. There is nothing much you can do, and anyway authors that are willing to buy your item don’t usually risk getting it for free from a dodgy website.


true story. thanks.

Got the same message but sending DMCA from my side was like hyper-space jump :slight_smile:

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Hi guys, sorry to disagree.
We should not think that there’s not much you can do. There’s actually a lot we can do and i think this is one of the weakest points on videohive.
I’ve been reporting abuse for posts on so many websites and they actually delete your files. It is a very time consuming but these thieves deserve our work and time spent do just at least don’t get views from our projects.
You can also contact the hosting provider and try to make them remove the illegal website from they’re host.

I was able to do that do s###### website. The website was off for 15 days but after that only legal action could do something else. And Envato should really act legal on these dudes.

I agree that the target from those websites are not the same as our costumers but in any case having webistes like B###### ##### online with 99% of videohive items like nothing for me it’s ridiculous.

Envato should really think about investing in some lawyer department and start doing something but this is just my opinion…


Many cloud storage sites need official documents that you are the copyright holder. Envato didn`t give us this docs. What do you do in that case?

I’ve never been in such a situation . Most of DMCA are sent via Wordpress plugin: the rest is via Advanced Takedown Tool and Manualy via email.

Envato should really think about investing in some lawyer department and start doing something but this is just my opinion…

Their behavior is like you can’t do anything about it…and that’s bullshit. Sorry but it’s true!

You can’t, this is the Internet, imagine there were 50 roads to your file, you can put police in 5, 10, 20 roads, but there will always be roads that lead to your file, and roads are made faster than the police can block them off. Torrents are the hardest roads to block, not even the highest grossing movies of all time are able to stop it. It’s impossible. You’d have to destroy every computing device capable of accessing the Internet. If even just two exist, so does piracy.

Yeah What Iam saying right now is different
what ever you say is exactly right
But not every road is full of traffic right only some of the roads will be in traffic other will not even with 1 or two vehicles
what if we block those 10 to 15 traiffic roads permanantly it will give us some hope right

those two or three vehicle roads we can easily block in timely manner


That’s exactly my point of view. We can not agree with this looser attitude like i’m done there is nothing more you can do. There’s always something you can do. Just try for a bit!

There’s always something you can do. Just try for a bit!

What would you like them to do specifically?

Ok so, i’m going to tell you what have i done to temporarily turn off one of those websites.

First off you’ll need to find the host provider - and for that you’ll need this little fella here: whoishostingthis (not going to include the full link to avoid considering spam).

Then you’ll need to contact the DMCA department and show them a specific case, in my case i’ve shown my project being illegally shared ‘for free’ and the legit Videohive project page.

And as soon as i’ve shown this they immediately told me that they don’t review themselves in such clients like this one and that they were going to get in contact with their client in order remove the project or the website woulb be shut down for 15 days.

And that happened but the problem is after those 15 days only Envato could go further and act legally on these guys and it’s right here that i feel like envato should have a Lawyer department and do something.

If as a simple internet user i was able to shut down one of these well known websites, how can’t Envato try to do something? Am i so wrong about it?

Because i’m still feeling like the only answer is from Envato is ‘There’s nothing we can do’ and i don’t think so.


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Envato aren’t the copyright holder though, and DMCA’s need to be submitted by the copyright holder. Envato do have a legal team though, just so you know.

But I’d be surprised if they could initiate legal action when they’re not the copyright holder. And I’m pretty sure the legal team’s job is more of compliance, rather than ‘grilling people on the stand’. If Envato were going to help out in this area it would probably be a case of paying your court costs to take legal action, and that could be very costly. Would the returns be worth it?

I don’t think they’re making it up when they say there’s nothing they can do. They don’t want shifty people getting away with not paying for market place items, probably as much as we don’t, but what can they do? Or more to the point, what can they do that wouldn’t be prohibitively expensive?

Some cloude storages want official documents from me. They need documented approvement about Im copyright holder. What should I show to this guys? My profile screenshot? Its not working. Envato need to give us official PDF doc (maybe something else) about who is copyright holder. This is problem and Envato throws authors alone against pirates.

That’s a whole different bucket of otters though… I mean, how do Envato know that you’re the copyright holder? You have to certify you are on upload, and I think that’s due diligence enough, but providing an official document saying that you are, could be risky. They could then be liable if anything comes of it.

using an analogy of a girl being raped , not only is it dumb and inappropriate it is sick and damn right offensive. your under total mind control and you dont even know it. its authors like you that really put me off this community.

Providing an official document saying that you are, could be risky. They could then be liable if anything comes of it.

I check button about I`m content owner when item uploaded to review. Where is the risk in that case? I need just 1 document where Envato approve me as a content owner. All copyright risks Envato shift to authors. Am I right?

Brother if this is the only thing you have to say about the whole discussion you’ll sure make us all a favor by leaving the community. What we’re doing here is discuss a way to avoid being stolen by web thieves. And at least make their life harder. I’m not offending anyone just trying to show my pov. and that’s all. Have any experience or opinion to share? it would be great.


Got your point of view and your explanation was very good. Respect it but i still have mine :wink:

"I check button about I`m content owner when item uploaded to review. Where is the risk in that case?"

What if you’re not the content owner though? What if somebody downloads one of your products, uploads it to Envato, checks the box saying they’re the content owner… and then Envato provides documented certification that they are the content owner. Would that be ok?