Improvements to Item Edit Page

Just a quick announcement about some improvements we’ve made to the layout of the Item Edit page for Market Items.

We’ve made some tweaks to the layout to make it more obvious which Item changes apply immediately and which items will trigger a Review. We’ve also separated out the delete section to help prevent inadvertent deletion of items!

Only a small change, but as always let us know if you have any problems or feedback


Just saw it, its a good (if minor) improvement.


Great improvement. Some thoughts (I know nothing going to change. however just sharing the thought)

  1. Why not make the first one open by default? Looks blank when loading the page
  2. Why not add the Category to edit? now we need to send support email :frowning:
  3. Can you take out the Supporting of Item to separate form? Each time we save an edit, It shows two messages which is irritating.
  4. High Resolution is obsolete. Why not change the wording to “Retina Ready” ?
  5. Make the Action buttons in center?
  6. Do you really think changing tags need review?


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Nice change.

I have the same question about the required review when we change tags…

Nice improvements! Looks clean and well structured :slight_smile: Thanks

@julianstevenson In the “Compatible Browsers” section, I think IE 6,7,8 should be removed since themes/plugins on Envato don’t require minimum compatibility with those versions.

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Thanks for your feedback @surjithctly and @greenline. At a high level, my response is that we will definitely look into further improvements on this page. I can’t commit to timing at the moment I am afraid, but will get back to you as soon as I have more info.

In answer to your questions:

We did look into this and may consider changing it - while aesthetically better to have the first section open, we felt that it was better to have the 3 actions shown at the top of the page, so it’s a question of function over design in this case. With the first section open, the other 2 sections are lost below the fold. More than happy to take feedback on this however and consider changing it.

I have to be honest with you here - I am not 100% sure why the category is not part of the Edit section. It pre-dates my time at Envato! I agree it makes sense to be able to change this within the Edit section, so watch this space :smile:

We’ll take a look at this as part of a broader review.

We have an ongoing review of the attributes and values associated with items across all of the MarketPlaces. So this will be picked up separately to the review/changes of the item edit page

The position of our buttons across Envato Market are controlled by our Style Guide, so we won’t be able to make any changes to this without broader review from the Envato Design team.

We do have some rules around tag usage, so it’s important that these are still reviewed. We’re always reviewing our policies and review procedures, and I will raise this with our Quality team but there are no immediate plans to change this I’m afraid.


Hi @templatin - we are always reviewing the attributes that are available for items, so I’ll pass this onto the relevant team to assess.


Nice, that realy helpful…

We were able to edit ITEM THUMBNAIL IMAGE (80 x 80) without the need of a review, we still can do this without a review or we can’t?

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Thanks, helpful. Why developers do not add new tab in item page for changelog’s / theme updates list ?!

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Thanks thats much helpful and one more thing how we can send our suggestions as well.


You can post your suggestion/feedback in this topic.

Did you fixed this issue I’ve reported?


Nice improvement :grin: I hope we could have WYSIWYG editor likes wordpress :smile:

Hi @phpbits - I’ve just responded to the other forum thread.

Do you plan option to change Preview image without a special approval, because I would like to change them?