Finally registering my portfolio on Identifyy...

Not really… In just 2-3 months, around 30,000 claims simply disappeared.

I asked about this and got the same response everyone else gets. “It’s YouTube, not us.” :grinning:

They said they are seeing drops in all accounts because YouTube policy changes. They were not able to provide precise details.
I think it could be related to the things about view thresholds and manual claiming we discussed many times here.

Claimed videos were growing up to that point and my music was getting even more traction online, so this was very weird.

Few months ago, I found out one of my popular tracks was not getting claimed on YouTube.
I exchanged a few emails with identifyy, they investigated this and the track was indeed having issues. They solved this and the claims are coming back now for that track. But I’m still way below 2020-22 levels and have no idea if I would be able to reach that again, everything is stagnating.

But this track was only part of the revenue before, I can’t blame it for such a huge drop. Had other tracks generating far more claims. It is not normal to lose 30,000 claims in 2 months just like that. Especially since it was growing for years up to that point.

No. I’ve been on Adrev before and Identifyy is much better, even now with the huge earnings drop it’s still 5 times better than the most successful month on AdRev ever was. I have great relationship with them and I still hope the situation will improve.

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Definitely not normal and very worrisome. Something must have happened. Identifyy should have been able to get to the bottom of it.

Doesn’t seem to be reflected in this thread, as many have stated their earnings were going up.

That’s great and I hope it does!

But, as there is no reason why you earnings should take such a nosedive, it probably means you are missing out on a lot of money. That’s a hefty price to pay for your loyalty to a CID manager. There are options.

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First of all, I think you don’t exactly get the idea I am trying to tell you. What I see is that the whole industry has become diversified. All production houses uses both: cheap and flexible subscription services AND direct licenses. What I try to say is that we can jump into that subscription tier. Direct licensing may become even more exclusive and expensive but I really do not see chances for Envato in that competition. Envato music is still low quality. Or maybe I should say that Envato has really big catalog of high quality tracks but they are flooded by a low quality non-consistent tracks and they are presented in a 2000-2010-ish way which is not attractive anymore.

And this is the model I am talking about. Envato has a great factor already - THE SCALE. And I do not think you’ll need thousands of tracks, much less number is enough. I have single tracks sold on Envato which gave me royalties equal to my 2-years total earnings on Envato. Even more - if track becomes popular in broadcast, it can also generate additional other royalties.

There are no signs of that. Quite the opposite, the whole industry went into both: subscription deals AND single direct licenses.

And that’s another point in which I think you don’t get my point of view. Envato should introduce licensing inspired by subscription serivces (like cheap Universal’s subscription services or even Artlist), not direct licensing publishers (like Universal, which also sells expensive direct licenses which do not exist in their subscription services).

And that’s what I am talking about. Outside Envato you should stick with a high fees for single direct licenses. On Envato you should flow with the en masse low tier subscription licensing. Just like now. How many broadcast licenses do you sell on Envato? Is it really a thing these days? Broadcast licenses almost doesn’t exist here, it simply died over the years.

Besides the Enterprise Elements license which already allows the broadcast use of music on Elements.


Thanks for elaborating in more details!
Definitely an option to think about and approach carefully.

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It’s not so much about loyalty. I still see them as the best option out there. I hope this is just a temporary road bump. There is no incentive for them to screw me over since they earn money when I earn money. I still trust they are doing everything they can and can’t influence YouTube’s policy changes.
Once I start to feel otherwise, I will leave.

The only valid alternative that has sparked my interest even remotely is SourceAudio.

Guys, it has been about a month since I registered my songs with Identifyy, but I keep checking for claims by uploading videos on different channels again and again, yet I am not receiving any claims. When will they start appearing?

Does anyone already have the Q3 shorts reports?

You’ll have to wait a few months.



I have found a channel with 60k subscribers that has used my background music, but its video has 2k views. Should I inform Identifyy so they can immediately place a claim on it?

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You can try but they won’t, since it’s under the 10,000 threshold.

Technically they should appear almost right away. What takes time is the scanning of older videos. When I switched to my new service provider, and I had to restart anew with ContentID, claims were being issued within days. It took about a month to reclaim all previously claimed videos.

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Yes, But in my case CID is not working at all…

Shorts q3 are out now


Sorry, I meant SourceAudio, not SoundSource in my previous message about which Identifyy alternative sparked my interest. Edited my message now.

Does anybody have any experience with them?

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Hello did you get the payement already ?

No, nothing yet on my Payoneer.



Not yet


Thank you guys !

I’m still waitinggg