Some time ago when I uploaded any video with my music to YouTube , AdRev automatically detected if it contained my music. But this is not working for some time. In my latest videos, even if it has only my music without any voice over, and the music 100% match with which I have uploaded in AdRev, it has not detected my music.
“Submit link” does not seem to work neither. AdRev team only answers from the “contact us” section.
My question is if it does not detect my own songs without voice over, and 100% match, I don’t think it is detecting new videos using my music. And as I say this is happening only in recent months.
None of the tracks I have uploaded on YouTube after August 2015 have generated a copyright notice. Submit link doesn’t seem to work for me either (on my own videos).
I noticed a few new videos (not my own) that should have generated claims but didn’t. Even on older tracks.
I asked AdRev support what was going on, but they said they didn’t see anything wrong and that my new tracks were indeed generating new claims. They did not answer specific points from my question though.
I found several videos with my newer tracks that AdRev had detected just fine and my AdRev revenue has recently exploded.
So I don’t know what to make of it. Guess I should hit their support again and get to the bottom of this.
Thanks Flumen. I was amazed to read that you’re earning more with AdRev than with AJ - until I saw that you didn’t upload here at all. I reckon you’ve got another account, right!?
In December, I earned about $200 with AJ… and $500 with AdRev.
As for unhappy customers, maybe there are some, but they haven’t contacted me. I have more non-buyers that are upset because they’re confusing royalty-free with free.
AdRev protected tracks are advertised as such and the process to clear claims is well explained, so I don’t think this is an issue for buyers. There may be however, buyers who stay clear from AdRev tracks. But as protecting music with ContentID is becoming industry standard, those buyers will eventually have to adapt.
I earn more from AdRev than stock library sales as well. It really depends quite a bit on how long your music has been around and how big your portfolio is. Also it’s reasonable to expect small dribbles adding up instead of massive income from single videos - most of the viral videos are mainly created because of the ad revenue they create, so any youtube channel that actually manages to get a lot of views usually makes sure they get to keep the income themselves, so they will clarify any content id claims as soon as possible.
Had the same issue a few months ago. AdRev told me it was because of the high volume of songs/detections/YT uploads that they had to deal with. Ended up seeing a claim a few months later. Don’t know what the lag time is nowadays, since I whitelisted my YT channel.
I had extremely low results in December 2015 as well. About a 10th of what I usually earn. Anyone else see a drop in December? Haven’t been with AdRev long enough to know the trends.
You must upload your tracks without watermark. They may detect your music even if there are voices over (either the watermark or any other voice or sound). For any case it will be easier to detect coincidence if you uploaded the version without watermark.
And you must wait 3-4 months to have the first results / earnings.
And I also recommend you contact them and send this message:
Hi! I request that you exclude my music from the AudioSwap (Opt out of the AudioSwap functionality), because it is not compatible with where I’m selling exclusively licenses. Thanks!
Non-watermarked version is preferred, though I don’t think it really matters.
Copy the AdRev announcement and check the appropriate box on the item Edit page.
You will have to wait 4 months before seeing any results. Results are updated monthly on the 15th. For instance, on April 15th, we’ll get the results for January. Payments are sent every trimester.