In the future, you can always contact me for quick removal of complaints.
I hope for your understanding, Content ID is a forced measure of copyright protection.
I do not in any way want to create any problems with Youtube to my customers.
And I will always be happy to help you quickly remove the complaint from your YouTube video.
I recently started my Youtube Channel, Nostalgia Montage, so it is not monetized yet but I used your Inspirational Cinematic Piano With Orchestra in my Bring Me to Life montage which I licensed through Envatop Elements. Can you clear the claim with Youtube? The link to my video is:
Thank You! Tina
I advise you to download a License for this track (in the downloads section of your account).
You will be able to see the author of the track and contact him.
Hi @MusicalSmile
I just got a copy right strike for “Epic Cinematic Dramatic Story-
MusicalSmile” while having envato license.
I made an appeal several days ago and a copy strike is received and my video is deleted - YouTube.
How would you remove my strike!?