Your item, Bachelorette Party with Lips A4, has been rejected

Hi everyone, I am new in Envato and I don’t understand why my work was rejected. The reason was “it isn’t at the quality standard required to move forward, and you won’t be able to re-submit this item again”. Can You help me what should I do?

Here is link to this work: bachelorette-party-lips-mockup-590-v2 — ImgBB

hi Daniel, indeed, this is easy to understand , as there are a collection of things justifying that it did not make it. First of all, at first sight and until we read the description of your item and guess about your intentions, this is almost impossible to get to determine what the design is meant for and thus meant to … Look , for a flyer, no matter what is the size, a flyer is not only made out of a central composition indeed. U have to have other things, and there should be a design on the whole canvas, do not get me wrong i do not mean necessarily that u need to bring a busy design to the table but there should be a background, something to make it look attractive, there should be other block of texts so that people put their information, information related to the event and most importantly again, u should answer to the following question “what, who, when and where” and value the concerned information, which is hard to do if u do not place any lol (kidding but i guess u understand what i mean lol). In addition, if i like what u have here as far as the central composition goes, indeed, u have to keep in mind that texts must be readable , and even more if the flyer is in a minimalistic style i might add as regard that there is nothing else really apart from the concerned information. The fact of the matter is that u are on the verge of violating a basic design principle here, ie: contrast (in particular for the preview, which is not so much of a good idea, since, this is the way u “sell” your design to the reviewer and potential customer, when the item is accepted, so they must see it clearly and understand , for customers, what they are buying …). Indeed, to be more accurate, this slightly about contrast but most importantly again due to the fact that placing texts above shapes is definitely making it more difficult to read. So if u put text and u have a slight issue about contrast plus have texts crossing shape, basically readability is heavily negatively impacted indeed. To further comment about what i have said above indeed, what is too bad is that u turn out to have made what could have been the minimalistic flyer that u wanted to create for the preview but that u did not use it as “the main file” but just as preview image. Anyway, as i mentioned previously u have a cool base to work with, u have things to fix but once u have done it, u can really expect the item to be accepted in the end :slight_smile:

Hi n2n44! Thank you very much for your help. You are right in every detail. I need to improve my work according to your instructions and I hope the next attempt will be successful. Thanks again for your professional reply and have a good day :slight_smile:

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i am happy if i could help u … :slight_smile: u can check the solution box if u have enough clues about what to do