Why was my design rejected?
hi I see a variety of reason to tell u honestly …
1- “z-shape reading process”
this basically refers to the way eyes sweep across any document in an attempt to read information, as well as it determines the impact zone where this is the most profitable to put the important information, such as logos and so on … the conclusion here is that the logo is being misplaced and that the right place for it to be would be either top left corner - where the reading process actually starts - the bottom right corner where the reading ends or the center f the canvas which turns out to be the main focus point and the most major impact zone indeed. Still about the logo , pls see what’s left to say about it in the next point
2- logo
if I were u I would spend some time in an attempt to create a really professional logo that will take the item to the next level visually rather than putting a rather flat and tasteless one that tends to flatten your work and decrease the impact of the concerned preview file
3- contrast
for me this is certainly the biggest issue here … contrast is not a small deal , this is the real deal. This is a basic design principle. In other words, messing with it is definitely not a good idea, this is the bottom line. This is already not great to violate a basic design principle but wen it comes to this one in particular this gets worse. Contrast issues will drive into being confronted to a variety of other serious troubles as a result of a snowball effect. Issues about hierarchy of information, exposure and readability will necessarily emerge and this is what happens here , too. check the next points
4- readability
the bottomline is that u have a variety of text not springing out much and being rather difficult to read unless u pay special attention to them and intend to read them no matter what (which is not the goal, all the same …). U may also wander what is the point of having some text if they are so very difficult to see and read … like what happens with the “u are invited” text in the middle , which is illustrating super well the very bad consequences of a flawed contrast. The blue text of this grey background is so very little contrasting that u have to concentrate so that u can manage to read indeed (not to mention that I do not personally feel like this looks great visually or that makes sense to have the concerned text here , If u ask me this brings nothing to the table, I understand why u did just this but this is more likely to emphasize an organizational problem as regard to space and occupation rather than any other thing, in my opinion …, pls check the point 6)
5- hierarchy
still more or less related to the contrast issue, but not only. The hierarchy means that u should have essential information being prevailing over the secondary ones, which are more complementary but not really indispensable …this should be see at first sight. This is not really efficient here because of color combinations failing to contrast enough, the main titles being not contrasting much with the background under , for sure. there is also a matter of coherence to have the featured speaker having his name at more or less the same size as other , when this should be popping out more. The phone number , if u want it to be efficient in terms of branding and marketing should be springing out more and catch the attention, when this is lost in the bottom left corner , breathing not much to say the least and being in a rather small size, certainly due to the lack of space that u dedicated to it …
6- organization problem
do not get me wrong the design is globally not bad and I understand why u are facing this type of issue, but the fact of the matter is that u has sort of a problem dealing with the slanted stripe like this and turned out to end up with some free space in the mid section of the flyer that u did not know what to do with … this transpires from this flyer and the organization that u have here
7- coherence
for this would make way more sense to have the startup and management thing being as sort of a subtitle of the main title rather than in the bottom right corner , since this seems to be the subject to be dealt with …
8- margins
pls pay attention not to positon the logo so very close from the top margin , this is preventing the logo to breathe properly as well as this is also creating disharmony as a consequence of the misalignment of the logo in the free space
9- male model
for me the guy looks a nit pasted out there indeed … in my opinion there could possibly better pictures to use of u have to bring some dodge and burning work to the table - or some adjustment layers - so that the combination of the male model picture and the cityscape in the back look composed rather than pasted with each other