why rejected the the flyer template help to improve my skill

hi globally this is not so very hard to understand why the item has been rejected. Do not get me wrong, this is definitely not the worst thing that we have ever seen among posted rejections here but u have all kind of issues to fix so that the item looks better and is more attractive to potential buyers indeed. The first thing is that your hierarchy is pretty weak here , when u catch a glance at the item , well basically nothing is really overly popping out indeed, the main title is approximately ok but there is nothing really outstanding either as far as decoration goes. As for the rest, all is pretty flat. Actually u are even flirting with violating the contrast basic graphic design in the orange stripe as the text is not super visible and readable to say the least … In addition , the typo does not help. All is very flat and sort of tasteless if u ask me (apart form the main title to be perfectly accurate). It would take u to introduce more variations, more font combinations and more touches of originality in an attempt to generate some relief and catch the attention with some information. There is a major issue when it comes to alignement, pls keep in mind that this is a template and that this must be flawless no matter what so u cannot expect make it with violating this basic design principle so badly here … for this , if u feel like it, and if it were helps u, u can adjust the content , this is why u will be given no « second chance »as for as alignment goes … the logo is misplaced otherwise, if u ever turn out to know what the z-shape reading process is all about, u will identify why , in addition, as regard to size and colors (lack of contrast) this is still even more « last in a corner » a logo that u have here. Oddly enough also « what and when » are emphasized here but clearly not where … the background is too flat and plain as well. it just consists in plain color rectangle , i guess u can identify that this is not with this that your item will appear really worked out and attractive to potential buyers indeed. This is also too bad that the orange bullet in the bottom right part is sort of too compact - at least inside - when u have a good deal of white space above that is of no use but breaking harmony and spacing …