Why hard rejected with no reason ?
i have same issue. and i am still waiting feedback from this forums
I wish we both get feedback, what actually happened. Otherwise Envato lose his credibility at least for me, and by belief would be firm, there are bots who check the standards.
Will you please tell me what kind of bot they are using or what the criteria should match to make item approved. Please let me know.
What evidence do you have that reviews are carried out by bots? (FYI they are not).
If items get close to the standard, then they are given feedback, however Envato do not and should not give feedback on every item submitted.
Okay, and while checking the item, Envato definitely found an issue; Yes, this is the issue and this item should be hard reject.
How many time it will take to mention the reason in the email, i belief it will not take more than one minute even. Why they are not mention that reason, and even there is no way to ask them why item was consider as hard rejected.
Do you think a website making millions form people and don’t have the courage to tell the reason.
If you are talking about coding standards, there are lot of items, even i bought two, not even follow 10% of the coding standards
I send all the things required by envato, but still rejected. They must tell the reason, and i said, oh yes i did that mistake
There are thousands of submissions each month so adding even a couple of minutes would result is significantly longer queues.
It may only take one minute with something simple when I would expect it to be soft rejected and get feedback. I highly doubt the majority of hard rejections could be given (actionable) feedback that quickly.
Beyond the time frame -
If you look at examples of hard rejections shared here. Given what some authors deem acceptable, what % do you think could realistically take feedback such as, typography needs work or lack of hierarchy, and actually translate that into proper amends?
On a similar note, consider the frustration if author makes what they deem a credible update but the reviewer continues to disagree?
The fact is that basic/quick feedback will never be enough and frankly I am not convinced that detailed comments would actually make any difference
Hard Rejection -> nightmare? we all have this …
“Success is about moving from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm”
Winston Churchill stay strong
A soft bounce item would take more time i think, envato are checking the item and found 1,2,3… mistakes and tell the seller please fix the issues, and a discussion start.
for hard bounce envato just need to tell one reason only, this is the issue and you are hard rejected. so for next item we must take care of that thing.
Now i don’t know what things should be consider before next item submit. Because i already take care of all the points give by envato for my first rejected item…
They already do this
I think it’s very unlikely that hard rejections will be that simple or just one thing
yes but this is how it is - I Know this, I’m here for 7 years GL
My question will still there, we have the right to know about the hard rejected reason, so we must take care before next item submission.
Anyhow let close the discussion, I am very thankful to all of the respondents, for their time.
Now I am leaving envato for forever, due to lake of trust. And I wish in future Envato will tell the hard rejected reason as well.
Thank you once again to all of you and Good Luck to all
you shouldn’t - do not do this.
I am on envato elements author (and graphic river) - on elements I had more than 60 works deleted like this, click, all gone… I didn’t give up and now I earn 3x more from elements than from the market.
don’t give up man
I am not giving up brother. Now I will sell it my own.
This is the product which cost almost 13 years of my development experience including 5 years of email marketing applications experience. I will never give up even think about that, but the path could be different.
Further more how can i submit the new item, even i don’t know the hard rejected reason to my previous one.
100% agree on what @premiersol said. Authors hold the rights to know why item got rejected.
To let you know @charlie4282 i have been in similar situation and upon investing the reviewer agreed the reject was becasue of his mistake and not something related to the item. So ever author SHOULD hold the right to know the reason.
Of course, there will be occasions when this happens given the tens of thousands of submissions but this is a very small % and does not address the impact or value of giving feedback on the far bigger % which are not even close to the necessary standards.
For what it’s worth the original post here doesn’t look that bad to us, but for all the issues authors have with reviews, the elephant in the room is that nothing would drive down the frustration more than if more authors took the time and had a little more realistic respect for what is needed to be successful here.
I definitely agree with that in a % of cases e.g items that forgot to upload etc.
But I do think there should be a “no second chances” response to for items which are simply too far gone and likely to just be a strain on author or reviewer time again in the future
We have also get so many time soft rejection and at last get hard reject.
They asked us to add such features that are not possible to add in our script. For example, they asked us to remove Inline CSS but we are loading dynamic element so its not possible for us.
They also ask to make translatable string which actual not require then why we do that?
In Envato lot of script are available who do not follow this review team’s suggested feature but that all script still live and they review team guys reject us.? Its look like make partiality with us.
Is there anyone have suggestion for us ?