Why are the same videos on the market?

Hi, I found something strange while searching the market today.

Two different author accounts uploaded the same video.

I searched another site and found the same video, but someone’s video seems to have been stolen.

Other videos they posted are also suspected to be included in someone’s AE template.


[external links removed by mod according to Terms of Service - Envato Forums]

(Please forgive me to write URL links to other sites)

It’s not my own Video, but I’m writing here as it is expected to affect the sales of authors who sell stock footage and motion graphics.

In my personal opinion, it is often suspicious among authors who upload videos at very low cost.

I believe Envato will remove pirated videos from the market. So I’ll delete this topic soon.

No, they won’t remove unless the original author of these clips submits a DMCA takedown notice to Envato.




The author of the 2nd link bought the video for $9 and divided to 10 seconds and upload again. And he made twice as much money.

I don’t think it’s easy to find everything in the review process.
But I think this is a serious problem.

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Yes, it’s a serious problem and it does happen. So when we see it it’s best to notice the original footage author of this issue. (you can usually figure this out by who uploaded the content first, unless it was stolen from a different marketplace) Only he/she can do something to take down the thieves’ copies.

I just sent a message about this to the original author.

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Such type of pirated videos will be removed from market. Or open a support ticket and hopefully in a few hours it will be removed

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No they won’t be. I myself couldn’t get my own stolen project removed without sending in a correctly filled specific form (DMCA) to Envatos author support.

Simply saying oh someone stole my work and providing proof did nothing, even though I’m the original author. So random people reporting stuff for sure won’t have any effect as well.


Which is a good thing. A DMCA is the correct legal approach and having a support staff who may have nothing to do with video or anything we do here decide what is a copy and what not becomes a problem in cases where it is not as evident as here.

Filling out a DMCA is not as hard and can be done for numerous items.

I’m sure Envato will also remove those authors if rightful DMCAs come in for several breaches.


Yes filling DMCA is one of the best approaches.

I have also been a victim of piracy when many other junior programmers started posting and using my complete product descriptions, content and also some started posting my product zip files on their sites without my approval and it’s also illegal

I filled some complaints and also got in touch with their server & tech support and finally they understood and removed those sites when they saw my DMCA complaints :smile: :innocent:


Surprisingly, it was found again.

These two different authors have uploaded a video with only color changes.

In my opinion, these authors are posting pirate videos.
I found a growing number of authors with very similar content to them on the market.
Where are they getting the video from?

I wonder why the number of new users uploading the same video suddenly increased.

@MarkBrodhuber you may want to take a look at those two authors.

Found one more author account.
If you look at their other items, you can see a lot of the same or similar ones.

I don’t know who started first. But this can make money and the number of similar authors is growing really fast.

They are also uploading a number of stock footage videos.
Perhaps the sales of existing authors will decrease.

He also reposts the video he uploaded.
And it was allowed again.

This author uploaded the same video often and made a lot of money.
This author is sure to be a pirate video upload user.

So many of the same videos exist in the video hive.
It’s proof that they’re coming from the same source.

If my activity is against forum rules, I will stop.
But obviously envato needs to stop their activities.

They seem to have stolen footage from a stock site called vecteezy.

Of course, the video is not resaleable.

Thanks for the reports here everyone, I’ll look into these! In the future though, it’s always best to submit a support ticket for any of these that you come across. If you notice someone reselling your own work, a DCMA will be needed. But if you just want to raise concerns about two accounts selling the same work, a support ticket would be a good way to notify our integrity team so an investigation can be opened.


ok, I will report by submitting a support ticket next time.
Thanks for your reply, I look forward to a careful and clear solution to this issue.