Hello everyone. I just got HARD rejected on this logo template but can’t see what’s wrong with it. Any suggestion is appreciated: http://img01.deviantart.net/5eb7/i/2015/324/b/c/test_by_blinvarfi-d9hb1ho.jpg
The reviewers are a bunch of ignorant, contrarians?
hey buddy, u 'd better watch your words … i tell you for your own good, u may have some problems saying something like this … (i am favoring people to express themselves no mater what they want to say but u have to beware of the words u are using all the same) in addition, the system is far form being perfect and reviewers are not responsible for this … they have no time enough to do what they shoudl do , that is to say for them to have some time to have a global view of what they accept and not and what has been accepted or not , and naturally enough some inconsistencies may result from this … . I assume that they have too much work to do also and that i they were more numerous it would help to do many things that do not have time to dedicate to , like providing with some feedback and once again , they are not responsible for hiring … so they are just not responsible in my view
hi buddy, i think that your item could have made it … this is nice and original now i personally see a small drawing mistake in the intersection of both loops and u can embetter your logo out of correcting just that