Hard rejected... Again...

All my artworks was rejected again and i still do not understand why. What is the problem with these logos? What should i do to not get “hard rejected”? Please some help.image

yes bro same problem with me i don’t know why they reject my all logos. maybe i upload 10 to 15 logo designs but they reject my all logos tha is not fair.

envato is not good

Please check my logos

your advance and next vision logo is good

did u personally pay attention to what u were told and did u correct your work to make it better? not seen the next result this far … sometimes the system can be blamed for sure but sometimes some guys also need to step up to the plate and come back with a better game so that they can make it and rival in highly competitive categories like the logo one where there are tons of authors and items …

hi buddy, well buddy for me that’s all about the typo, what a lot of guys fail to understand here is what they are expected to do … . Here in the review they wait for your to come up with much of a work typo wise and people can forget about using “normal” or traditional typos indeed … . For me this doesn’t really make sense but that’s the way things are working here and people if they are not aware of this will face plenty of rejections in a category with s many items and submissions … . For me your works are good and they just need a bit more work typo wise so that they have a way better chance to go through the control here … . Now for me this is sad because the last one u displayed is really really good indeed , just like this , but u’ll be expected to do the same also for this one unless u cannot have it approved … but very good base to work with :wink:

Thanks for advice, I’ll try to improve my typography and i’m gonna insist until they will accept my logos :smiley:

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that’s the right thing to do, the right attitude , to keep up working hard and try not to ever lose courage is the real deal, never giving up will push u to the next level :wink: