OMG it’s horrible it’s not normal!!! Envato need to more carefully check of items
Has 8 sales. Why don’t you invite the author @ to respond?
New Featured Track. Thanks Envato, good job
Hi, Thanks for your explain, but i’ve submit my wordpress themes is more than 2 months 15 days (really so long times) and not got any feedback from you ? I just wondering what’s happens with my account or my items ???
I don’t even know anymore what to say, really.
It’s 2 months I have 3 tracks ready for upload but as i see things are (and what happened to my previous upload) i’m really puzzled if it’s still worth it. Beside the terrible review times, I don’t really want to have my tracks among ones made with sample packs or, even worse, pirated ones.
Fully support!
Support !!!
I got 10 hard rejected. I had my track reviewed today after uploading it just 1-2 days ago…
Fully support with you!!!
Fully support!
Really love this site!
no sale rate, as much as before… so bad
Really like for learning from this forum site..… Bravo envato
Hi, Actually I’m new to this but I will extend my whole hearted support.
A’m fully Support Alexey great work keep going
fully support this too! success mate
I am total agree with @ALEX_BESSS. I fully support.
I feel like guys at envato are dead. They are not answering at all, making poor decisions, weird things happening in the market. Its not the same envato we used to know sadly.
Thanks for sharing it with us.
Fully support!
Envato marketplace has changed.Is the sad truth.Just for example…I’m working a lot on a design just to see it rejected without explanation while other designs are getting approved very easy although is clear how "newbie"they look.I’m guessing is just a matter of how a reviewer is in the mood or not(Im not generalising)…From 4 items just 1 is approved now.And keep in mind that I need to wait at least 10 days to be reviewed.Is like I’m building a nasa satellite lol…The revenue is to small for crap like this…I like Envato but I swear,sometimes I feel like you screwing with us authors.After all…who the hell cares how much times someone worked on an item if you can just reject it like is not your time and nobody know if you are right or not?I’m hopping you guys will change how you do things atm…Most of the time is not right what you do with people who are here for a lot of years