What's going on Envato?

I feel your pain! As someone who does a lot of purchases not only for myself but for clients and friends I have in recent months been looking else were for digital goods. As a client of envato market I have noticed a decline in value for the $$ and yes even seen tons of envato market product else were if you know what I mean!!

Authors are coming and going leaving people like me who have invested money in them in hope we see a return but instead we see envato market product being cloned, nulled, stolen, reverse engineered and for the most authors the now loose money not to mention there product. and the ones who purchased the digital goods well we are left with a worthless product. So I can only hope the envato market future plains are to follow through on making sure and and all authors and their products are protected and must find a solid way to keep the authors producing new ideas, product, updates, comments, support

Out dated and or Abandoned

Accountability Responsibility