[REMOVED: Calling out items/authors]
by charlie4282Moderator
Are you kidding me nothing I have posted is calling out the author but merely stating fact
Nothing here states to the fact I am not harming soliciting nor am i attacking anyone I am for most bring a major problem to light
Community Rules
Envato is a community of creatives who come together to share ideas and help each other succeed.
We invite you to join in, but do have a few rules. The rules and values below exist to help you understand what it means to be a member of the community and cover all aspects of community interaction on Envato forums, blogs, contests and events. We’re committed to upholding them, and we hope you will be too.
We believe when the community succeeds, we succeed.
We love healthy competition, but feel we’re all better off when we’re sharing ideas, knowledge and skills and helping one another. We come to give back, not shamelessly self-promote.
We’re a global community of many types of people.
We are from all corners of the earth and a glorious melting pot of creative fields, skill levels, cultures, religions and more. We think the opportunity for anyone to achieve success no matter where they come from leads to a more meritocratic and equal world.
We celebrate individuality and embrace diversity.
We encourage different viewpoints as long as they’re presented in a way that’s constructive and respectful. Personal attacks as well as any behavior that is hateful or offensive based on race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, gender or sexual orientation are not okay.
We’re excited about and inspired by collaboration.
By collaborating with people from different backgrounds, we are exposed to new ideas and perspectives that fuel the creative process and innovation.
We’re always learning because we’re hungry and curious.
We’re all students and teachers. Our world moves super fast and we stay ahead of the pack by pushing and pulling each other forward. We don’t follow the trends, we make them.
We follow a few hard rules. Please DON’T:
Participate in or encourage personal attacks, call out another user and/or sabotage a user’s item.
Discuss politics or religion.
Troll or flame.
Solicit for any kind of material support, donations, aid, etc.
Discuss pricing of items/services in an author-driven pricing category or on Studio.
Talk about or link to piracy, warez, illegal activity of any kind, or competitor sites or items.
Request or post personal (or identifying) information about any user or any other person.
Post anything that would infringe on another person’s intellectual property rights.
Community moderation by the community
Our forums are designed so that the community plays a large role in their moderation. Forum tools enable the community to determine where the awesome content is and what content doesn’t belong . The power is in your hands so please use these tools to improve your experience as well the experience of the entire community.
Our moderation approach
We can’t, and don’t, review all posts on the forum. We don’t authorise any posts and we aren’t responsible for their content (including text, images, and any external links). Every community forum user is responsible for their own posts - please be mindful of your words and please think carefully about what you post.
Actions against our community rules may lead to deletion of your posts, comments, contest submissions or account with or without warning. We won’t edit posts or comments; even if only part is a problem, the whole thing may be removed. All actions and decisions taken by our moderators are final.
We reserve the right to remove, ban, suspend or block an account as we see fit. Envato may terminate your access to the forums at any time, with or without cause, with or without notice, effective immediately.
If you have suggestions or questions about community participation or moderation, please share them in our Community meta forum.
And to keep our lawyers happy
To post on the community forum you have to be an Envato member, and 13 years or older. We don’t knowingly collect any information from anyone aged 13 or under.
We may update these guidelines and recommend you check back once in a while. If you don’t agree with these guidelines and the terms of our Privacy Policy, we won’t take it personally, but it means that the Envato community might not be for you.
You represent and warrant that (i) your use of the forums will follow these guidelines and our Privacy Policy and comply with all applicable laws and regulations (including without limitation any local laws or regulations that apply to you) and (ii) your use of the forums will not infringe or misappropriate the intellectual property rights of any third party.