Valenti theme - missing images

Hi I am new to this. I have uploaded the Valenti theme, but none of the template images seem to be there. Can any help, please?

Actually none of the demo assets are there?

Have you installed the dummy content to set it up like the demo?

It does say in the item page that images and assets are not included

Overlooked the line about assets not included. Thanks!

Where are the dummy/placeholder assets? Are these my own assets?

It’s quite common as authors tend not to have rights to the- distribute images.

Check the documentation with the theme which will prob cover adding demo content and XML.

It will either be in theme options or more likely a XML file with the theme that you install via WP admin.

Ok thanks. You have been great. I will take a look. Hope you will still be there if I run into any probs.

Sure just ask.

The author is one of the best - it says XML document so you will need to go to (assuming you are logged in)

Hit download button and select ‘All files and documentation’

In this folder will be documentation explaining how to import the XML

It will also contain the XML file

Then just go in your wp-admin to Tools >> Import >> WordPress and folllow instructions

Got it. You are so cool! Thanks.