Uploading catastrophy

So, uploading motion graphic videos on https://author.envato.com/upload/video is a complete failure. I tried multiple ways of uploading a lot of files starting with filezilla, to some other ftp clients, but never had any luck, because envato server would disconnect after some time because of big files or whatever. So, ftp was not a solution.
I tried uploading directly on web site. Maximum uploading 10 items (:cold_face:) I have to upload 400 items, so logically this is also a no go. Then, dropbox option seemed like a good idea, doesn’t matter that I need to pay it, as long as I can uploading it in somewhat decent manner.
Then when I finally did that, came back to upload page (envato) and files are duplicated. Ok, I thought… Well, this is becaming tiring, but I have to do it…

But, YOU CANNOT DELETE FILES!! I’ve tried with 3 different browsers, Chrome, Firefox, Edge, nope. Not working. I mean, I’m kinda used to having some hardships with envato, but this is now an impossible task. Please respond ASAP.

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Best to open a ticket with this feedback so it can be sent to the appropriate people – https://help.author.envato.com/hc/en-us/requests/new

Sorry, but as far as I could understand it’s not an individual problem. Can other authors share whether they’re having same issues?

It might be “the scourge of god” bug :smiley: As it looks like that you uploading copy-cat looking items…

What are you talking about?!

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Same probleme here

Sometimes, I also face this issue.

I have the same problem. I have six copies of one file but different length becaus of upload failure and can’t delete them.

Hi all! This definitely looks like a bug :bug: - our developers are currently investigating the issue. I’ll post an update in this thread once I have more information to share.

For any similar issues in future, you’re welcome to use the forums to check whether something is an individual or widespread issue. Opening support tickets (via the link Bailey posted earlier) is also useful though, as those can be a more efficient way of escalating an issue to the development teams that can fix it. Once an issue is identified, it needs to be prioritised against many other pieces of work - so support tickets can help those teams to assess the scale and severity of the problem.


Our developers have found (and now fixed) the bug causing this, so you should be able to delete items as needed. If you see any other occurences of this issue, please open a support ticket with Envato Authors Help and Support and they’ll take care of it.

I have an item that is temporarily held for 8 days on AudioJungle (need to update an existing item) is it due to this Bug? All other items (new + updated) from the queue are reviewed successfully.

Hi @miseld. That won’t be related to this issue - there was a bug that prevented item deletion in specific cases (causing the deletion to fail, without raising the normal alerts). Temporary holds are something used by the review teams for many different reasons, and I’m not aware of any issues affecting those.

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