Hi guys, Did anyone experience the Infinite Upload Processing Problems right now? I’m waiting the process to complete but it has been 15 minutes now but nothing happen, try to re-connect my internet, re-login envato, re-open browser and use different browser from chorme to firefox but the result is the same.
Try FTP. Much faster: https://help.market.envato.com/hc/en-us/articles/202500674-How-to-upload-using-FTP
I already upload the main file and preview file and already appear on the form page (upload page) , the problem is the submit button, it still processing.
Similar thing happened me last night when I was uploading. After a while of the upload processing it went back to the upload page and my files were not there and I needed to upload again. Maybe not related but just to throw it in if there is a problem.
I have sort things out, At last 3 hours figuring out what happens , reupload and the problem has been solved now.
Yes, I had the same problem earlier today. It is working now.
Worked ok about 40min ago.