I have the same problem, does everybody else see the report “uploading time-out bla bla bla” as well ?
even though my uploads seemed to fail, I can now see the items on my dashboard -strange-
yes same thing here
Same Problem on Videohive
Was happening yesterday as well.
Before trying again, open another window and check your Dashboard to see if it’s already in the queue. I ended up with 3 of the same item in queue because it said it wasn’t working at upload screen.
Same problem. Can’t upload my first track. No answer from support yet.
I tried this three times within two hours and nothing appeared in my dashboard, By the way, if I end up with 3 of the same items in the queue, can I manually delete clones from the queue?
Yes, i had that message, i just pressed “retry” and closed my browser…track appeared in dashboard 15 minutes later. Hope tracks uploaded this way won’t come up broken…
Yes you can delete the clones
same thing here
Same on codecaynon, just tried multiple times, got timeout, but item still did not appear in dashboard
This problem is from two days ago, upload stuck on processing then after a while appears in dashboard, so I think Envato stuff is aware of the problem, since it’s across all Envato sites, probably they’re working on the problem
same problem for last 10 hours. Dont know whats going on.
After 5-th upload my item finally appeared in the dashboard!
Same problem, upload is OK, but trouble submitting.
upload OK, but stuck on Processing button, no internet activity, no “working” icon at browser tab
Same problem Stuck on “Processing…” any idea…
Same problem here, I tried to upload with Safari 10.0.1 and the latest version of Google Chrome.
Same here !!! I don’t know what’s happening ?
same problem… 2 hours… in this week this in second time…
Same problem here.
problem upload on “Processing”