upload problem?

i cant upload an item. I tried it 5 times, but get this message:

“There was an error processing your item: Transaction isolation conflict detected: Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction”

Does somebody know whats going on?

I think Envato is doing some work behind the scenes… i cant access to graphicriver for example at the moment.
Should be fixed soon.

okay, i have the answer now,… “You’re here coz we’re making some big backend changes to the Envato Market site! We’ll be back in just a minute or two. Thanks very much for your patience.”

im curious what “big backend change” is,…

hi, simply retry a bit later on, it happens sometimes :wink:

Little Good replies,But i think internet connection will be slow.So check internet speed before upload any things.

@Deepaksethi the envato site was down for 2 hours on that day, everything is good now :slight_smile: