Unprocessable entity error (422) after new account setup

Hi everyone,

I just created a new account to buy a WP theme : Themeforest asks me beforehand to choose my location and to agree to its terms and conditions to continue my purchase, but an error occurs, making it impossible to buy the theme (HTTP ERROR 422).

Is it a known issue ?

Hi @KP974,

Thanks for the report – we’re just looking into it now.

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Hi again,

This issue was addressed last night. @KP974 if you’re still seeing issues, please let us know.
Thanks for the tipoff and apologies for the inconvenience!

Hi @rosssimpson,
The issue is indeed resolved. Thanks !

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Hi @rosssimpson,

I wanted to report another issue like this, I already wrote to Envato support but they haven’t solved this problem yet.

See this live: Screen Capture on 2021-09-15 at 13-30-45.mp4 - Droplr

As you can see, when you tick the 12 months support option, that option is not working and is showing the “HTTP Error 422”. You can replicate what I did and see if the problem is happening to you too.

I have detected this problem since Friday, maybe it has happened before too.

Hi @Laborator,

Thanks for the report! I can see your support ticket in the system. A development team has identified the problem and is working on deploying a fix as we speak. Won’t be long.


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Thanks @rosssimpson, it seems that the problem is now resolved.