Im curious, how many views in average you get with your tracks? my tracks get about 16 views the first or second day they are approved and then is between 4 and 5 views per day. Can you get a decent amount of sales with those numbers or I need to promote my tracks more? I think I’m doing good with tagging, descriptions and titles, but no promotion outside of AJ. What do you think?
Also, the analytics page will add a pageview for every time you view the item’s analytics page. I learned this about two years ago, when I was really proud of one of my item’s pageviews, but soon realised that it was just me refreshing the analytics page.
As far as I can make out it doesn’t I’m afraid. I don’t really understand what it is measuring, but it certainly looks to me as if the majority of my own views get counted as ‘Unique Pageviews’
To be honest, for the majority of authors I don’t think the analytics page is of that much use. It would be much more helpful if we could see the number of times our tracks are played and the average length of listening.
I’m using Firefox. It let’s me install the ‘Ghostery’ plugin. This let’s you block ‘Google Analytics’. This way your own views don’t count.
BTW, the analytics page doesn’t show you how many times your track gets played but it does show you average time listened.
That’s very interesting about Firefox - thanks for info!
I thought the analytics page was just showing the average time spent viewing the item details, although its true that the time is probably spent listening to the track. Certainly, this is the indicator that seems to most closely correlate with my sales.
track analytics as they are organized are pretty useless.
we need a summary with ALL the track views for every track of our portfolio organized in a SINGLE page, in which we can decide the time-span of the analysis.
e.g. i want to know which is my most-viewed track in the last 30 days. right now it’s impossible to know.
knowing which tracks of your portfolio are the most viewed would be quite important to understand buyers trends and effectiveness of keywords/tagging/description.
also, if a track has thousands of views and zero sales, now there’s a problem somewhere that should be fixed.
so yes, analytics could be quite important, if just it is done in an appropriate way…