Very low view rates on my account

Hi friends, I have a problem and I hope you can help me solve it.
For a little over a year now I have been writing music for audio jungle and so far my success can hardly be called great, but I try and continue to work.

Recently I decided to look at the analytics of my tracks and I felt very sad from what I saw, on many tracks there are zero views, this means that I worked in vain (days, weeks), on other tracks views are within 10, mostly from 3-10 unique views. (I want to note that I make the names of the tracks as relevant to the requests as possible and try to make a description for each track) I have already almost accepted this fate and have come to terms with this fact. But I also asked some members of the community how many views they have on new tracks, and I received an answer that upset me even more; some members have many times more views (50-100), despite the fact that they do not promote their accounts at all at other sites.

Are we all working on an equal footing?
Thank you for your attention, success in your work.

Yes although there is some unsavoury gaming of the system when tracks that become trending with zero sales although the views are high possibly from authors spamming to get views on tracks or as a result of feedback for feedback posting.
I would not worry with analytics on items as to be honest it really does not matter - sales and in particular revenue earnt at the end of the month counts. Create items that very few do and you should see a turn-around although always remember that quality counts.


I agree to @gballx: not the views count - its the sales.
I am in the same situation as you. I’ve created nearly 100 tracks in the last year, but I don’t get many sales. This has many possible reasons - as often discucussed here.
My portfolio is not specialized, I try to serve tracks in different genres, also in niche genres.
So I can only particular agree to the hint, to produce niche tracks and get the turnaround effect in sales. A niche track is called niche track, because it is away from the mainstream and customers ask only very few for. That means, you can expect a few sales (which is better than no sales), but the chance to get the efforts balanced with niche tracks is even more low.
It turns out, that I have only two items with significant more sales, than all of my other items.
I this complete one year I sold 0,78 licenses per track (in average). I have many many items with no sales. I cannot give you a reasonable hint to change things, which turn your sales in an upward direction. I tried to follow all the tips, tricks and hints but the result speaks for itself.
We are too many authors here with hundreds of thousands of tracks. The chance to get a sale here is very hard nowadays.

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Build a brand that potential buyers get to take notice of you through your quality / diverse work. You can of course promote your self using YouTube and SoundCloud with links d to your profile and items but be aware that Envato will aggressively advertise Elements as it (no evidence but highly likely) detects a new IP address and wave your potential buyer goodbye.


Its done in exaclty that way. I created a Youtube Channel , produced videos with my music, placed the song description and the AJ link there. Same on Soundcloud and Revebnation and Facebook.
The count of views I got is ridiculous. The video with the most views has 46 views for the overall time.
I my opinion this additional effort isn’t it worth.

I guess, it would be needed to commission a professional marketing company to start a campaign so that you can get a bit of attention.


Friends, thank you for your feedback and I am aware that the sales indicator at the end of the month is more important than the number of views - this is undeniable.
But alas, if the views of my new track are zero, then it doesn’t matter how original it is and it’s good if no one sees it. I’m talking about zero views on some of my tracks.

And in the end, at the end of the month, I have several sales. And after all, I may mistakenly think that the problem is in my music, but in the end it turns out that I am almost invisible to buyers and the problem is in a certain audio jungle algorithm


Your tracks can be viewed, auditioned, and even purchased without anyone landing on the item page for a track, just so long as the tracks show up in a list - whether by category or as the result of a search. So even if analytics shows zero page views for a particular track it still might be getting auditioned.


True, i have noticed this a lot actually. Zero views and still a sale.

You have to try to think long term and not only here. I have also created 100+ items in a year. Sales go up and down. Especially now it feels sometimes like going against the current.
If three years from now someone buys your track with a big license it’s still worth it. Just keep going and value your work properly, don’t get lost in statistics.


And, as if by magic, one of my tracks with zero page views this month - The Bride - was licensed last night.


Thanks for the link this is helpful !!!

Seeing Audio Micro in the top of the list make me smile, this site is dead since years now… So maybe this list is not 100% accurate, but very useful to find some other place to put our music in. And this is a great solution to face the situation here on AJ

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With a five figure deal in place the last thing on my mind would be to come back and post on the forum of a website I pulled all my music off and am so disappointed in:)


hello, i am newbie, writing music for one year. It was difficult. But now something are going to be well. Often when i look my tracks. I am finding them on 1 page. I dont know what it is happening, may be because, i try to make wide description. And also i play with price (but it is my market tricks as a seller)