"Token or Item ID is incorrect" error in Envato Market WordPress Plugin


Envato recently announced that their Envato Wordpress Tools plugin will stop working soon and needs to be replaced with Envato Market. This is a plugin that notifies and allows to update all purchased items from Envato.

Now I’m trying to add a plugin I purchased recently (wpDatTables, https://codecanyon.net/item/wpdatatables-tables-and-charts-manager-for-wordpress/3958969) to my site and after adding my token and plugin’s item ID, I keep receiving the following error:

“The Token or Item ID is incorrect”.

I triple checked all the data and both token and item ID are correct, why does it through this error? I tried different items, like theme and another plugin and all work fine except this one. Could you please check what is the reason?



You will receive the The Token or Item ID is incorrect error if any of the following are true:

  1. The personal token doesn’t have required permissions (see this screenshot for reference).
  2. The item ID entered is not a WordPress item.
  3. An error occurred when connecting to the API.

Unfortunately the plugin does not do a very good job with debugging at the moment and doesn’t say what exactly went wrong. Can you double check to make sure the issue isn’t point #1 or #2?

If you’re absolutely sure those aren’t the problem then open a support ticket at this link and they’ll be happy to help solve the issue: https://help.market.envato.com/hc/en-us/requests/new

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Well, as you can see this item: https://codecanyon.net/item/wpdatatables-tables-and-charts-manager-for-wordpress/3958969 is a WORDPRESS item and regarding #1, I’ve just created a new token ID just in case with all proper permissions and it still shows same error: “The Token or Item ID is incorrect.”

As I mentioned I was able to add two other items w/o any issues.
Any other ideas?

Thanks! After looking a bit closer, it appears that the API is not returning the “wordpress_plugin_metadata” key for that item, which is likely the cause of the error.

I’m going to tag in @dtbaker for this one. You may also wish to open a ticket for the issue and post the ticket number here in case he wants to speak with you privately about it.

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Please fix this if possible guys!


Hi @tregrinner!

Please open a Help ticket and they will forward it to the correct people. Unfortunately this forum doesn’t seem to be monitored very much by the relevant developers.
