Themeforest is not working properly!!!
Once i log on to TF, then I choose video hive, and then go back to Themeforest it starts auto-refreshing over and over again resulting in 429 too many requests error.
I saw 0 sales for over 5days whats rarely happens. Went to check what`s happening and found out this error. Does anybody else see that too?
Chome browser:
Step 1. Login > Step 2 go anywhere in your account, dashboard, portfolio, etc > Step 3 click on Themeforest in the main menu (gets autorefresh untill 429err)
may be both clear cache and cookies can fix it. or have to clear cache for each market individually. your browser is doing problem. Also update browser to latest version.
If you receive a 429 error, it means that you’ve made too many requests to a specific Envato page in too short of a time. This can happen if you refresh too many times, or if there’s an app/plugin/other tool making requests to Envato from your computer. The limits are generally pretty high and you shouldn’t run into this.
Assuming whatever was making the excessive requests has stopped, waiting a little bit will cause the error to clear.
It feels like that it is somehow connected with autologin while going from one platform to another. I have cleared browser cash and cookies. This helped for TF, VH but now I see the same thing on codecanyon.
If i log on to TF and then go to CC it looks like as if it tries to re-login, the page refreshes automatically until 429.
Yet i do not care to much of CC as i never use it.
SSO/auto-signin seems buggy lately. It’s not even working for me at all. I’m forced to sign in to each website individually, as well as the forums and API, which is particularly annoying with 2FA.
My sales are 0 for 8 days in a row. I do not remember when last time i had such a long pause. So i do suspect that issue with 429 is definitely affecting other users-buyers. I do remember due to constant auto refresh it was unavailable to make a search too.
@baileyherbert that’s very interesting. I’m unable to duplicate the issue you describe there, but that doesn’t mean a whole lot. I’ve escalated to the responsible team internally and we’ll see what’s going on.
@Bokstas I can understand your concern, but please be assured we have a whole lot of automated and manual monitoring happening throughout all of our sites, and we are not seeing a significant change in the average number of sales across items and marketplaces. That doesn’t mean that there’s not something happening, but it does mean that there are no widespread issues keeping people from logging in or buying.
We will investigate this issue and will continue to monitor!
I believe this might be related too so I am posting here.
Did you guys recently made any changes related to authentication and session handling? Logging out of Envato account does not log you out from causing issues if you use something like using the Envato API to login users. And there’s no other way to logout from endpoints either.