Theme support is too slow to respond

I have purchases a theme from theme forest of StylemixThemes. Now, I am facing some issues with theme. I have contacted to their support team but they are responding too slow (min 2 days of running thread). Can evento provide any help in this?

Unfortunately Envato can’t force them to be any quicker.

They are a very established and respected author and their themes say that they aim for 1 business day to reply, so it could just be that they are facing a backlog or high volume of tickets

What is the issue you have? I am sure they will reply as soon as they can

Actaully, I am having issues with finding the option in theme and thier user guide is not have complete detials. And they responding too slow

To be honest 2 days is not slow - I consider it reasonable. Keep in mind that you are not the only customer that purchased and contacted their support.

They have to take care of every request as they come, so just be patient I am sure you’ll get your reply.