Anyone has the same problem with the author Theme-Studio?
and their theme “Alaska”.
it seems they abandoned the theme, they do not reply for 3 months now and are ignoring not only me but alot of other customers who paid for the theme and their support.
last update of the theme is in February but this one is faulty and buggy. so last real update is from december 2016.
sidenote : maybe Envato can intervene in this matter and suspend the author from selling this theme?
If your support period is still valid e.g. the first 6 months from purchase or longer if you have paid to extend it then first stop is their support forum. If there is still no response there then you can ask envato support for help Envato Help & Support Center
Judging by the comments, this “author” does not answer buyers for more than 3 months (!!!). I think in this situation, Envato may be the first to take action without waiting for angry appeals from buyers. In my opinion, this situation deserves an early reaction. I don’t want other ThemeForest Authors to suffer because of such “authors” and someone’s sluggishness. This is unfair.
As @charlie4282 has said, please open a support ticket. We rely on customers to report when authors are not providing them with the support they are entitled to. The customer success team will want to know so they can help you, and take steps to engage with the author.
Here’s the dilemma Envato. I have been looking at the theme for a while and trying to figure out if it is the theme we should use. Just as I was about to purchase it, I realized there were a slew of people that were having problems getting any support. If I had not looked, I would have been really angry. I am not for suspending them, but rather just getting an answer, so we all know how to best proceed. If they are done, they are done and we now know. But, if there is something else up, maybe there is an opportunity to seek out help?
Either way, communication is everything, especially with products like these, where they are forward facing and affect lots of end users.
This is part of the challenge of being a two sided marketplace. The good news is that if you had purchased, and not received the level of support you were entitled to, Envato would have had your back and processed a refund.
But it’s really not fair for customers when authors leave their products unattended. It’s very rare, but when it does happen it causes obvious challenges. Again, the vast majority of authors are very communicative, responsive and open with our team about what they’re doing. It’s also odd to me that @Theme-Studio has gone silent. Hopefully we’re able to get to the bottom of the issue and resolve things for the customers
Status update from Envato, The theme author has 48 hours to respond to Envato, if they do not do this further actions will be taken, ill keep u all posted
Actually, looks like there websites have been suspended.
Dang it, I want these guys to come back, or at least sell/share their theme with another developer, so it can be maintained. I really wanted to use this theme, and I am willing to pay more for active development. The drive to have themes so cheap is what causes many developers to fold. Themes like this should be 2-3x the price. The functionality, support needed and cost of updates necessitate it. A theme that brings in money, manages clientele and customers is worth more.
Theme-Studio, I will put my money where my mouth is. Continue and grow development, and I will pay up to $300 per license. But, you have to give us a product that we can count on.
Unfortunately you have to consider the bigger picture.
Just to be clear I am surprised that an author of that size had their entire portfolio down. Nevertheless:
we don’t know the reasons why the author has chosen to let their items slip. There may be a very valid reason behind why they cannot continue with them.
It’s one of the main reasons that envato sell items “as is” because they don’t own copyright and buyers are not paying on goIng fees for the author to guarantee to continue to update and amend.
while offering to pay more is generous, $300 is not even close to what a custom theme would cost and while yes the author can resell this item there are very few buyers who would pay that much esp given the tough competition at a lower cost.
For most decent devs the hourly rate will be between $50 and $100 at least so $300 wouldn’t go far to creating, updating or other support for even one buyer let alone the potential thousands (some with very little experience) who could buy it.
trust me … you dont want the theme from a author you cant trust…
i have bought the theme … build a complete website… only to start ll over again with another theme.
i liked the theme to … thats why i bought it… but no support is lame and dangerous, no updates for example.
so find another hosting theme… there are many to choose from
as for the update i promised.
envato did not get any response from them , so im getting a refund
if other people like to receive a refund… make a support ticket and explain the alaska situation.
they will advice you further
I get that $300 from one place means nothing. It was more to say the theme is undervalued, much like other comprehensive themes. It was more to start the dialog, because the pricing is too low for specific niche themes. Themes like Avada, Enfold, X, etc. are general purpose themes and sell to the masses, whereas a hosting theme has a much more limited market. This means far less money over the long-term, if the price is treated as the same.
I said what I did to start a dialog that we need to be willing to pay more and theme developers should charge more for themes like this. I like long-term solutions, which means we look out for each other. Knowing that $60-70 is far less than the value of the theme to me, I wanted to publicly state that and had hoped maybe, just maybe I would find some support, and maybe we could start to make some change that would benefit the developers and help prevent situations like this. Yes, we may not know the reason for the developer going away, but if we never ask the questions or try to make things change, then we are just as much at fault when a situation like this does happen.
Communication is everything. I was just trying to start some.
Can we get an official update Matthew? If it is dead, can Envato step in and try to see if there is a way to fid a developer capable of purchasing and continuing development?
It’s not about taking things negatively - all we were trying to do is apply context and perspective to the situation.
As it happens I think it’s great when people make the effort to try to rectify or change things for the good, but in the interests of maintaining clarity for everyone:
regardless of how much a theme is worth, or what people would/do pay for it - envato cannot enforce author behaviour.
If any author even those with the best intentions stops supporting a file or abandons it, there is nothing Envato can do short of refund customers where appropriate.
no one, envato or another author, will ever be able to continue developing/selling someone else’s copyright. This would be highly illegal.
Potentially the original author could privately sell the rights to another author (not allowed here in forums), but even then it would be allowed for this to be resubmitted to this marketplace under a new author’s account.
Again this is not about being negative - it is simply to help minimise confusion around what is and is not possible, and help to manage peoples’ expectations.
I was not saying Envato should force Theme Studio to do anything, much less take their code. I was more suggesting that since they are the central point for developers in this case, they might be able to connect parties together.