I am buying a theme license for a client, after I am done with the job can I transfer the license to the client? so that they can get all the support for it in the future?
You can’t transfer item license to others cause license will be issued/generated through your account details info based.
Thank you for your prompt answer madam/sir!
So what do web designers/developers do when they have many customers some of which will need access to support way after the build is done and paid for.
Each single envato market purchaser can get 6 month support from his purchased item author. I think no worry about item support.
Last question on this thread…I have another one right after, but let’s finish off this one first.
So what do most designer/developers do if they have many clients? Do they purchase the themes for them using their own (designer/developers) accounts? Is this the best practice?
I said it first time that
license will be issued/generated on purchaser account information based
If a designer/developer purchase a theme for his client and build a project for that client then client have to come to that designer/developer for that item license or other details even that theme will update client have to come that dev/designer for his site update.
Am i make it clear ?
Just to be clear on this…
You CAN transfer the license “to use” the theme to the client (you need to remove all traces from your system)
You CAN’T transfer the ability to manually download or access support (that sits with the purchase account)
You CAN install the envato plugin which provides updates to the theme as they become available (again not manual access to these)
Everyone will be better off if the client buys their own items.
OK Thank you for your patience.
My next question is regarding the imagery used on the themes: here’s one I am considering: https://preview.themeforest.net/item/electrician-electricity-services-wordpress-theme/full_screen_preview/19212980
Do we legally have the right to use all the imagery and graphics (copyright) in the theme? or do we need to replace it all with our own images and graphics?
Thank you so much for the clarification!
Unlikely - authors are encouraged not to include images in download copies and those look like professional stock which the author will not have permission to redistribute (legally)
OK Thank you I might as well as you this too.
My next question is regarding the imagery used on the themes: here’s one I am considering: [https://preview.themeforest.net/item/electrician-electricity-services-wordpress-theme/full_screen_preview/19212980]
Do we legally have the right to use all the imagery and graphics (copyright) in the theme? or do we need to replace it all with our own images and graphics?
see above answer
OK so that I am clear it is not allowed.